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21-09-16 - Welcome Back Year 4 - Hedgehog

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209






13th  September 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back!


The Summer seems to have flown by and it has been a busy start in Year 4 with our new ‘Pirates’ topic. This is the topic the children began during our transition week and has been led by the interests of the children. We will be learning about lots of things during the topic and at the end, we will film a documentary to show what we have learnt. So far, we have learnt about the parts of a pirate ship and made our own models. We are also writing the story of ‘The Pirate Cruncher’. I hope the children will share what they have been learning in class with you over the next few weeks.


This term, our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. For each day, we ask that the children come dressed in their PE kit, including their house-coloured t-shirt. Both sessions will be outdoor PE. For this, the children will need to be suitably dressed including tracksuit bottoms and a jumper.

Please ensure that your child brings their reading book to school every day. It is essential that when you hear your child read that you write in their planner.  


Our cloakroom in Year 4 has limited space so please ensure that your child’s bag can fit in their drawer. As they are coming to school in their PE kit then there is no need for large backpacks.

Every child needs a water bottle to have a drink through the day. This should be different to their lunch time one.


Please remember to come and speak to any member of the year 4 team if you have any questions or queries, there will always be one of us on the gate in the afternoon. We look forward to working with you over the coming year.


Yours Sincerely

Miss Burns & Mrs Sagoo




