Stoke Primary School Briton Road Coventry CV2 4LF | Head Teacher Tel Fax | Mr M Ascroft 024 7645 1724 024 7643 1209 |
9th February 2024 Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy Half Term! Whilst this has been a short half term, a lot has happened. We are proud of the achievements of our children and thank all the staff that continue to make Stoke Primary School the wonderfully inspiring and inclusive environment that it is. Some of the highlights this week have been:
We return to school on Monday 19th February and look forward to welcoming the children back. Hopefully a good break will mean they are refreshed and determined to strive for 100% attendance!! We will be going straight into ‘WASTE WEEK’ where we will be analysing what we throw away. We are going to wash all our rubbish and make Mr Ascroft wear it on Friday! Photos to follow!!
22nd February – Y3 are having a Roman Day – separate letter to follow. 7th March – Dress up for World Book day – separate letter to follow.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a happy and safe week half term break and please do reach out for help and advice when and if needed, we will always do our best to support you.
Kind regards
Lucy Pater Deputy Headteacher | |||
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