Stoke Primary School is committed to ensuring that all members of the school community have strong Mental Well Being. A key factor in our approach is that Well Being support is the responsibility of a team not an individual. We have two teams in school; the Mental Health Team and the Youth Mental Health Team. Lucy Pater is our Senior Mental Health Lead (Find out more about Youth Mental Health here.)
As part of the approach, a team of 8 staff have been trained in Full Mental Health First Aid. They are:
Matthew Ascroft - Head Teacher
Lucy Pater- Deputy Head Teacher, Senior Mental Health Lead
Sarah Morris - Assistant Head Teacher and SENDCO
Ellen Parker - Assistant Head Teacher
Rhiann McGarrity- School Business Manager
Rebecca Fenlon - Family Team
Callum Morrow - Teacher (Maths Lead)
Nicola Burns - Teacher (Writing Lead)
A further 9 members of staff have trained in Children's Mental Health First Aid.
Within a review of provision by Coventry City Council, the report stated -
"Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Provision 2020
The school have 8 members of staff trained in Mental Health First Aid. This is an exceptional number of staff for a Primary school, and therefore will hugely benefit all the pupils who require additional support quickly and appropriately. This is especially important after the current pandemic which may have had a detrimental impact on children’s mental health."
Please follow the link to our Mental Health and Well Being Intent Statement here.
Please follow the link to our Mental Health and Well Being Policy here.
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