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Health & Safety Policy

Stoke Primary School
Health & Safety Policy

Date Reviewed by Governors

Autumn 2023

Date of Next Review

Autumn 2024





1 – Health and safety arrangements flow chart

2 – Staff health and safety responsibilities

3 – Display screen equipment

4 – Driving licence, insurance and MOT check sheet

5 – Security Procedures

6. – Lettings Procedures


The LA Model has been adopted




3.1 Setting health and safety objectives

3.2 Consultation

3.3 Communication

3.4 Competence

3.5 Risk assessment

3.6 Fire safety

3.7 Financial resources

3.8 Accident, assault and near miss reporting and investigation

3.9 Asbestos management

3.10 Body fluid spillages

3.11 Contractor management

3.12 Control of substances hazardous to health (CoSHH)

3.13 Defect reporting

3.14 Display screen equipment

3.15 Driving and transport

3.16 Educational visits, learning outside the classroom

3.17 Electrical systems and equipment

3.18 First aid

3.19 Lettings (health and safety arrangements)

3.20 Moving and handling

3.21 Security

3.22 Statutory inspections

3.23 Stress management

3.24 Prevention of work related violence including lone working

3.25 Water hygiene management (control of Legionnaire’ disease)

3.26 Working at height

3.27 Workplace inspections




1 – Health and safety arrangements flow chart

2 – Staff health and safety responsibilities

3 – Display screen equipment

4 – Driving licence, insurance and MOT check sheet

5 – Security Procedures

6. – Lettings Procedures





Coventry City Council's Health and Safety Policy Document details its commitment to effective and successful health and safety management.  It contains a statement of intent, together with organisation details of the arrangements and monitoring systems for Health and Safety management which must be in place for Coventry City Council establishments, including schools and can be found on their website Coventry.gov.uk


The Council's Health and Safety Policy is central to an understanding that health and safety and must feature prominently in all aspects of the operation of each school in order to ensure compliance with the health and safety legislation. 


In addition, Ofsted requires schools to hold various other documents relating to health and safety.


This policy relates to Stoke Primary School and will ensure compliance with Coventry City Council's Health and Safety Policy and Ofsted requirements by establishing clearly defined roles, responsibilities and arrangements at a local level.


There are five parts to this Policy:-



Aim, objective and statement

Declaration of intent by the Chair of Governors/ Head Teacher



The management structure and defining of roles and responsibilities



The procedures and systems necessary for implementing the Policy. 



The system for auditing the effectiveness of the arrangements and for reviewing health and safety performance.



Associated documents, procedures and risk assessments detailing the arrangements




Policy Aim

To be a school where everyone can undertake their roles and responsibilities and fulfil their potential free from work related or education related injury or ill health; this includes all school staff, agency staff, peripatetic staff, volunteers, pupils, partners and others who may be affected by our work activities. 


Policy Objectives

  • to conduct all our activities safely and in compliance with legislative standards
  • to provide safe working and learning conditions 
  • to ensure a systematic approach to the identification of risks and the allocation of resources to control them
  • to be a school that promotes a positive health and safety culture that is demonstrated by open communication and a shared commitment to the importance of health, safety and welfare
  • to promote the principles of sensible risk management which enables innovation and learning


Policy Statement

Stoke Primary School recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer and provider of services and will provide a safe and healthy workplace and learning environment for all staff, pupils and such other persons as may be affected by its activities.

Stoke Primary School will adopt health and safety arrangements in line with Coventry City Council's Health and Safety Policy and will strive to meet and adhere to all relevant health and safety legislation and to Coventry City Council policies and procedures.

Good health and safety management will be an integral part of the way that the school operates and will be considered across all work activities and across the wide range of educational activities delivered.


Stoke Primary School will ensure that we have access to competent technical advice on health and safety matters to assist us in meeting our objectives; we will do this by having a service level agreement with Matt Clark, Madrigal Safety. 


The school will:


  • Seek to ensure that its buildings, grounds, plant and equipment meet appropriate health and safety standards.
  • Promote health and safety training to ensure competence and awareness
  • Develop and communicate information on sensible risk management and safe working practices.
  • Require all employees and encourage and support all pupils to show a proper personal concern for their own safety, for that of the people around them through management example, through joint consultation, within the delivery of the curriculum and through pastoral care.
  • Require staff to exercise due care and attention, and observe safe working methods, including those inherent in their professional craft or training.


Stoke Primary School will adopt a planned risk based approach to health and safety management based on the principles of sensible risk management. This will involve:


  • Assessment of hazards and associated risks
  • Identification and implementation of preventive and protective control measures against those risks to an acceptable/ tolerable level
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of those measures including the enforcement of proper working practices by the senior leadership team and other supervising staff members and the review of incident statistics
  • Including health and safety requirements/responsibilities into contract conditions which will be enforced by the governing body, senior leadership team and other supervising staff members
  • Provision of information, instruction, training and protective equipment to staff (and pupils where required)
  • Review of risk assessments, policies, procedures and practices at regular interval and where additional information is gained through monitoring or following an incident.

It is a requirement of Stoke Primary School that this policy statement and its implications are understood and acted upon by all staff, governors and other relevant persons within the school. Linked to this policy statement are documents recording the organisational arrangements and procedures by which we will ensure that the policy is implemented.


Copies of the policy will be issued to all staff, governors and will be available on the website or from the School Office with the master copy held by the School Business Manager/SSO on behalf of the Head Teacher and Governing Body.


This Policy was approved by the Head Teacher and the Governing Body of Stoke Primary School during Spring 2019. It will be reviewed on or before Spring Term 2021.




Mr M Ascroft

Head Teacher

Date: ………………

Mr W Gallagher & Mr J Rabone

Co-Chair of Governors

Date: ………………






Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 General


The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and subordinate legislation states that all employees have health and safety responsibilities when at work. Although some duties and responsibilities may be delegated, accountability for health, safety and welfare at work is not transferable and cannot be evaded.


Stoke Primary School is a community school whereby the employer is the Local Authority (LA). Whilst the LA is responsible as the employer to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation, the Head Teacher and governors have management responsibilities to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees, pupils, visitors and contractors and the self employed. The senior leadership team and the governing body as the management body will ensure that school staff and premises comply with both Coventry City Council and local health and safety policies and practices.


In compliance with Coventry City Council policy and smoking legislation, a strict NO SMOKING policy exists in school buildings and on the school site. Everybody will be instructed that this must be adhered to at all times.


2.2 Governors


The Education Reform Act 1996 has given school governors important powers and duties in controlling school premises and management of schools, including health and safety responsibilities towards staff, pupils, service users, contractors and visitors.


Stoke Primary School's governing body has the responsibility for ensuring that reasonable measures are put in place to ensure the health and safety and welfare of employees, pupils, visitors and other people affected by the establishment’s activities. To this end the governing body will:


  • produce a school health and safety policy and devise appropriate procedures for managing health and safety related issues
  • implement the policies of Coventry City Council and any agreed local policies or procedures where appropriate
  • as part of their decision making, take into account the costs of implementing the health and safety policies, seeking and setting aside reasonable funding for their implementation
  • receive and action regular and routine health and safety reports from the Head Teacher to enable it to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the health and safety management systems
  • ensure when awarding contracts that health and safety is included in specifications and contract conditions taking account Coventry City Council policy and procedures
  • ensure that the school has access to competent health and safety advice


2.3 Head Teacher


The Head Teacher will comply with Coventry City Council’s health and safety policy and in particular will:


  • Visibly support the Children, Learning and Young People Directorate's health and safety arrangements, work with trade union and employee health and safety representatives and ensure that all employees are aware of and accountable for their specific health and safety responsibilities and duties
  • Ensure health and safety policies, procedures, action plan and risk management programme is implemented as an integral part of business, operational planning and service delivery
  • Take on the role as the Responsible Person as required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
  • Support accident and incident investigations, review reports and statistics, utilise information on trends and hot spots
  • Undertake monitoring and ensure the provision of adequate resources to achieve compliance
  • Ensure that local procedures for the selection and monitoring of contractors are in place and meet the requirements of Coventry City Council's policy and procedures
  • Ensure that the school has access to competent health and safety advice


The Coventry City Council’s People's Director and School Governing Body place responsibility on the Head Teacher to achieve the objectives of the health and safety policy. The Head Teacher will ensure that all necessary health and safety activities, requirements and standards are undertaken and met within their area of control.

In addition to their statutory duties, Heads and Teachers have a common law duty of care for pupils which stems from their position in law “in loco parentis”.


2.4 Senior Leadership Team


The leadership team at Stoke Primary School will undertake general responsibility to ensure that all necessary health and safety activities, requirements and standards are undertaken and met within their respective areas of control. This will be done under the direction of the Head Teacher..Specifically the Deputy Head and Assistant Head Teachers, Business Manager, Site Manager and any other member of staff with supervisory responsibilities will:


  • Identify hazards, initiate risk assessments, record the significant findings and implement any necessary control measures
  • Check and document that the working environment is safe; equipment, products and materials are used safely; that health and safety procedures are effective and complied with and that any necessary remedial action is taken
  • Inform, instruct, train, supervise and communicate with employees and provide them with equipment, materials and clothing as is necessary to enable them to work safely; to complete the health and safety induction checklist for all new employees at the commencement of their employment
  • Report all accidents, incidents and near miss events, undertake an investigation into the cause and take appropriate remedial action to prevent recurrence


2.5 Employees


All employees, agency and peripatetic workers and contractors must comply with the school's health and safety policy and associated arrangements and in particular are required to:


  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and of those who may be affected by their actions or by their omissions
  • Cooperate with their line manager and senior management to work safely, to comply with health and safety instructions and information and undertake appropriate health and safety training as required
  • Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare
  • Report to their manager any health and safety concerns, hazardous condition or defect in the health and safety arrangements
  • Support the school in embedding a positive safety culture that extends to the pupils of the school and any visitors to the site
  • Be aware of information relating to the whereabouts of known or presumed asbestos within the school and have the content of the schools asbestos management plan, which is held by the Site Services Officer and School Business Manager, explained to them.


2.6 Pupils


All pupils are expected to behave in a manner that reflects the school's behaviour policy and in particular are expected to:


  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at school and of their peers, teachers, support staff and any other person that may be at school
  • Cooperate with teaching and support staff and follow all health and safety instructions given
  • Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare
  • Report to a teacher or other member of school staff any health and safety concerns that they may have


2.7 Lettings


This policy includes within the arrangements section procedures for lettings, in particular fire evacuation and security arrangements and the requirements relating to accident, assault and near miss reporting requirements and the provision of first aid.

Persons/organisations letting the site must agree to:


  • Co-operate and co-ordinate with the school on health and safety matters
  • Agree to the terms of the lettings policy in relation to health and safety arrangements
  • Provide information relating to any additional risks or procedures which will be new or unusual to those of the school that may arise from their activities


The school will ensure that:


  • The premises are in a safe condition for the purpose of use
  • Health and safety arrangements are detailed in the lettings policy and that these are fully explained and communicated
  • Adequate arrangements for emergency evacuation are in place and communicated




The following arrangements will be adopted to ensure that Governors and the Head Teacher fulfil their responsibilities and provide the foundation for securing the health and safety of employees, and all users of the site.


3.1 Setting health and safety objectives


The Governors and the Head Teacher will specifically review progress of health and safety objectives at the termly meeting of the Governing Body (this may be included as part of the Head Teachers report to governors). Where necessary health and safety improvements will be identified and included within the school action plan.


3.2 Consultation


3.2.1 Provision of an Effective Joint Consultative Process


The school’s Health and Safety Committee meet once per term as part of the Resource Management Sub-Committee and report back termly to the Full Governing Body. The H&S working party consists of a member of the Senior Leadership Team, School Business Manager, Site Services Officer and Governor and reports and consults with all school staff, Trade Union Representatives and Governing Body ensuring that all concerns are considered and addressed with a clear action plan, identified responsibilities and target dates.


3.2.2 Involvement of Pupils


The School Council takes part in looking at the safety and security of the school and undertake site walks looking at and considering the fire and emergency procedures in school. As school representatives, they are responsible for cascading the information to all of their classmates.


3.3 Establishing Adequate Health and Safety Communication Channels


Communication channels will be established for the exchange of health and safety knowledge and information. Where necessary, these communications will be recorded and include:


  • Senior leadership team meetings and staff meetings
  • The Governors Premises Management Sub-Committee/ Health and Safety Sub-Committee
  • Provision of information relating to safe systems of work and risk assessments
  • Staff briefings
  • Staff training days
  • Health and safety noticeboard
  • School Council
  • New Staff Induction
  • Visitors, Adults or Supply Staff in School
  • Communication of health and safety bulletins or information from Madrigal or Coventry City Council’s Health, Safety and Welfare Team
  • Communications with relevant specialist advisors and People’s Directorate’s committees and bodies
  • Where health and safety issues cannot be resolved at local level, they will be escalated through the management structure as appropriate


3.4 Competencies


3.4.1 Provision of Effective Health and Safety Training


The Head Teacher and Governors will consider health and safety training on an annual basis in line with the school's health and training matrix focussing on mandatory training as a priority.


3.4.2 Risk Assessment


Team Leaders, Curriculum Subject Co-ordinators, Educational Visits Co-ordinator, Team Leaders and Persons in Charge of Identified Activities and Events supported and advised by the Senior Leadership Team in identifying hazards and ensuring that significant findings are recorded and control measures are implemented.


3.4.3 Specialist Advice and Support


Specialist advice and support will be obtained from Madrigal Safety, as required. Where necessary, health and safety issues will be escalated to the People's directorate Health and Safety Committee or to an appropriate Head Teacher forum.


3.5 Risk Assessment


The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 covers the outline requirements for the management of health & safety. Reference should also be made to the HSE publication HSG65 Successful Health & Safety Management.


Stoke Primary School will assess the risks to the health and safety of all staff, pupils and of anyone else that may be affected by the work activity. The clear identification of all foreseeable risks will enable the necessary preventative and protective measures to be implemented.


The school will ensure that all those staff members who carry out risk assessments will be competent do so and where appropriate, the Health and Safety Consultant will assist in the preparation of assessments.


When a decision on the suitable risk controls is made the risk assessment will be recorded and copies made available to all those who require them. Where it is identified as being necessary, additional training or information will be provided for any staff member.


The Head Teacher will bring to the attention of staff all the necessary precautions detailed in the written risk assessment and the Senior Leadership Team will monitor systems of work and the working environment to ensure that staff acts in accordance with the details outlined in the written assessment.


The school will make arrangements for putting into practice all the control measures that have been identified as being necessary in the risk assessment. Competent people will be appointed to apply the measures that are necessary to comply with the duties under health and safety legislation.


Health surveillance for employees will be provided where the risk assessment shows it to be necessary.


Temporary workers will be given particular health and safety information to meet their special requirements. All staff has a duty to follow health and safety instructions and report any dangerous aspects.


All risk assessments will be reviewed at least annually, or earlier should the need arise e.g. following an incident, change of method of work, etc.


In the event that a situation occurs that could present serious or imminent danger to any person whether they are a staff member, pupil or other the following procedure will apply:


  • Planned work and/or activity with the pupils that could be affected will cease
  • The responsible person on site will instruct staff on necessary immediate action to be taken to reduce the danger if possible
  • If this is not possible the location or activity will be cordoned off or access prevented until the danger has passed or the area can be made safe.
  • Advice will be sought by the Head Teacher from relevant external sources as necessary e.g. the H&S consultant.


3.6 Fire Safety


3.6.1 General Procedures


The schools Fire Risk Assessment and Fire and Emergency Plan will be reviewed annually, documents will be reviewed sooner following any significant changes to the building or room use, as part of any refurbishment/construction projects, following a fire or other emergency incident or after an unacceptable fire drill.


The procedures detailed in the Fire and Emergency Plan may be implemented in other circumstances where there is a need to evacuate the building or the site; this may include incidents such as gas leaks, bomb threats etc. Where there is information relating to a specific threat it will be included in the appropriate section of the plan.


Appropriate instruction and training relating to fire safety including safe evacuation and emergency procedures will be provided to staff (including agency, temporary, peripatetic, work placements and work experience) and recorded. Appropriate information/instruction will be provided to pupils/visitors/contractors.


Where staff, pupils or any other person who regularly attends the school are identified as needing additional support or assistance to evacuate the building in the event of an emergency, a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) will be developed and implemented.


3.6.2 Fire Drills and Alarm Activations


Regular fire drills will be undertaken on at least a termly basis; drills will include before and after school activities and lunch/break periods.


Where there is a planned test of the fire alarm system or a planned drill, appropriate arrangements are in place to ensure that the fire service do not respond unnecessarily. This is normally by contacting the appropriate monitoring facility (ESU) to advise of intent to activate system.


Following either a planned or unplanned evacuation of the building, a de-brief session will be held to review the effectiveness of the evacuation and consider where any review of the fire and emergency plan is required.


All activations of the fire alarm system will be recorded. The fire service will be informed of all incidents of fire, even if small and extinguished.


3.7 Financial Resources


The Governors along with the Head Teacher will ensure there are adequate resources deployed to ensure a high standard of health and safety management and controls.


3.8 Accident, Assault and Near Miss Reporting and Investigation


Stoke Primary School have adopted the City Councils procedures for the reporting of accidents, assaults and near miss incidents.


If any accident, assault or near miss incident occurs on the school premises or on an offsite event organised by the school it is reported to both the Health and Safety Consultant and the Council Health Safety and Wellbeing team. Any serious incidents are notified by telephone immediately or as soon as is reasonably practicable after the incident.



Reports are completed as soon as possible following an incident by the employee’s line manager, or for pupils by the member of staff supervising the pupil at the time of the incident.


All employee incidents are input onto the LA’s Alcumus online reporting system within 24 hours of the incident occurring.


Coventry City Council no longer completes the RIDDOR reports on behalf of the school; this will be carried out by the school’s appointed health and safety consultancy, currently Madrigal safety.


Pupil incidents that meet the criteria as specified in the HSE guidance EDIS1 are input onto the Alcumus online reporting system within 24 hours of the incident occurring.


Pupil incidents that are not required to be reported on the Alcumus online reporting system are recorded locally. Minor incidents are investigated in school by Senior Leadership Team and retained in school files. Investigations are undertaken by the Senior Leadership Team, with the assistance of the health and safety consultant where appropriate.


Pupil forms/records are retained for 24 years, employee forms for six years and forms relating to work related ill health for 6 years or longer (40 years where there has been potential exposure to radiation or asbestos).


Accident, assaults and near miss incidents are a standard agenda item at the health and safety committee meeting.


3.9 Asbestos Management


Asbestos is a generic term for a number of silicates of iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and aluminium that appear naturally in fibrous form. In the 2012 Regulations, asbestos is defined as any of the following minerals, "crocidolite, amosite, chrysotile, anthophyllite, actinolite, tremolite or any mixture containing any of the said materials".


Stoke Primary School has an explicit duty to assess and manage the risks from asbestos in premises in compliance with Regulation 4 of The Control of Asbestos Regulations. Each premises assessment will be used to produce a Local Asbestos Management Plan (LAMP) which details and records the actions to be undertaken to manage and reduce the risks from asbestos and have a requirement to pass on information about the location and condition of Asbestos Containing Materials to anyone likely to disturb them.


The Head Teacher will seek confirmation of the existence or otherwise of asbestos on site. Should asbestos be known to exist and it cannot be safely left in situ to be monitored, they will consult with and where appropriate employ, specialised asbestos contractors to arrange its safe sealing or removal.


The enforcing authority will be notified of any work involving licensable asbestos at least 14 days prior to the commencement of work, (a lesser time may be agreed by mutual consent).


All staff will be informed that asbestos exists on site and where to refer to the LAMP and ancillary documentation for detailed information should they require it.


Site services staff will be given training, advice and guidance on the likely form that asbestos containing materials may take and how to recognise suspect material.


Any removal of asbestos (whether licensable or not) will be carried out by a specialist contractor strictly following safe systems of work.


No member of staff is permitted to work with or disturb asbestos containing materials; should this be required the school will engage specialist contractors.



3.10 Body Fluids - Cleaning up Body Fluids i.e. Urine, Faeces, Vomit and Blood


The Head Teacher will ensure the following arrangements for body fluids are followed:


  • All hazardous products in use for cleaning up body fluids will have a COSHH risk assessment completed.
  • Manufacturer’s instructions will be followed when using these products. Should contact with the skin or mucous membranes occur, the area will be immediately irrigated with plenty of water and medical assistance sought as appropriate.
  • The use of bleach on site will be managed so that it does not react with other substances when in use (i.e. bleach and other toilet cleaning substances or urine). Bleach will be kept in a locked cupboard that is not readily accessible to all.
  • All body fluids will be cleaned up as quickly as possible after spillage.
  • Appropriate disposable gloves will be provided and worn.
  • To ensure bacteria are removed, any spillage of body fluids will first be cleaned with a detergent. (If spillage kits have been used, detergent to be used following initial clear up of absorbent material).
  • Following an initial clean with detergent, any disinfectant such as chlorine, NaDCC granules (Sodium dichloroisocyanurate e.g. Presept, Actichlor) or liquid bleach can be used to clean and disinfect.
  • The dilution of the bleach solution depends on the product being used as Chlorine contents vary; the material safety data sheet (MSDS) will be consulted along with the COSHH risk assessment. Solutions will be made up fresh as required.
  • Urine spillages will be cleared up using paper towels before washing the area with a detergent solution. NaDCC granules/bleach will NOT be used, as a chemical reaction can take place which gives off a potentially harmful gas.
  • Blood spillages will be cleaned up by gently pouring diluted bleach or granules over the blood spill, covered with disposable towels and cleaned up after 2 minutes with more disposable towels. The towels should be disposed of as clinical waste.
  • Once the spillage has been completely cleaned, gloves will be removed and suitably disposed of and hands will be thoroughly washed using hot water and detergent.


3.11 Contractor Management


Regulations that cover contractor management for construction and refurbishment projects are covered by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.


Stoke Primary School follows the City Council's Contractor's Guidance and will notify its health and safety consultant of all contracts other than routine maintenance and repairs.


Where practicable, all contractors used on site will be registered with Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) or an approved equivalent.


If a contractor that is not registered with SSIP is to be used, the school will undertake a thorough assessment of competence (it is only recommended that non-SSIP approved contractors are used in exceptional circumstance or for non-building related contractors).


Contractors will be issued with a copy of the Coventry City Council Guidance document.


Before work commences, pre-contract meetings will be held between the school and the contractor, with an attendance list and documented minutes being kept.


The school will provide all contractors with relevant information regarding the building such as the local asbestos management plan, asbestos locations, known services, fire and emergency plans, details of first aid provision and accident/assault reporting procedures.


Before commencement of any contract work, a member of the school's staff will complete a contractor induction form with each individual contractor. A Contractor Induction Pack will be issued.


The school and contractor will agree and ensure that there is clear segregation between pupils and contractors or provide adequate supervision to maintain safeguarding standards.


The school will visually monitor works to ensure that work is undertaken safely and will report any concerns to the project/contract manager and the Head Teacher.


If the school is concerned that any works being undertaken appear to be unsafe they will request that works cease until further advice has been sought.


At the end of the works, the project/contract manager must provide the school with relevant documentation relating to the work undertaken e.g. asbestos removal certificates, manufacturers’ instructions/warranties, fixed wiring certificates, schematic diagrams of services, etc.


3.12 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH)


Regulations that cover the control and the safe use of all materials, chemicals and substances, are covered by The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). The Head Teacher will ensure the following arrangements are followed:


  • An inventory of all hazardous substances on site is kept and updated regularly
  • Wherever possible non-hazardous substances are used and if this is not possible the least harmful substance is used
  • A COSHH risk assessment will be completed for all hazardous substances used and shared with relevant staff
  • Wherever possible exposure to hazardous substances is prevented, where exposure cannot be prevented, a risk assessment will be carried out and controls measures implemented
  • Where identified as part of the risk assessment, appropriate PPE will be provided to staff
  • Any need for exposure monitoring or health surveillance will be carried out
  • Sufficient information, instruction and training is given to staff to ensure full understanding of the hazards to health posed by substances in the workplace, and the importance of control measures provided
  • Training records are maintained for those who receive training
  • Information will also be given to others who may be affected, such as contractors, temporary staff and visitors
  • Only substances purchased through the schools procurement systems can be used on site
  • Substances are stored correctly and those that are no longer used disposed of properly
  • COSHH risk assessments are monitored regularly and reviewed annually


Where necessary, the Health and Safety Adviser will assist the school in carrying out the necessary assessments.


3.13 Defect Reporting

The school has a defect reporting procedure whereby any damage or defect to the premises or equipment and furnishings with is reported. Defective equipment is isolated and labelled as defective to prevent use until replaced or repaired. Where premises defects are identified a dynamic assessment is carried out to decide whether an area should be isolated or cordoned off whilst awaiting repair.


3.14 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Regulations that cover the use of display screen equipment are covered by the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations. The Head Teacher will ensure the following arrangements are followed:


Any employee that uses a computer receives information on health and safety relating to display screen equipment use (see Appendix 3, Workstation Set-Up Diagram and 12 Point Display Screen Equipment Set-Up Plan).

DSE self-assessments covering work regime, workstation equipment, workstation layout and environmental factors are undertaken and documented for:


  • all staff that use display screen equipment as a significant part of their normal work, and
  • those who normally use display screen equipment for continuous or near-continuous spells of an hour or more at a time; use it in this way more or less daily; have to transfer information quickly to or from the display screen equipment and also need to apply high levels of attention and concentration.


Actions identified in self-assessments are implemented.

Self-assessments are reviewed regularly, when a new workstation is set up or when a substantial change is made to an existing workstation (or the way it is used).

Self-assessments are repeated if there is a reason to suspect they may no longer be valid e.g. if a user starts complaining of pain or discomfort.

The school ensures training records are maintained.


3.15 Driving and Transport

Stoke Primary School have adopted and implemented Coventry City Council’s Driving Policy. Anyone driving a vehicle must meet the criteria identified within the driving policy.


The Head Teacher must ensure that the following is undertaken:


Use of private vehicles for business use:


  • The driver holds the appropriate licence for the vehicle being driven
  • The driver is fit to drive the vehicle
  • The vehicle is taxed, has a valid MOT and is in a roadworthy condition
  • The vehicle is insured for business use
  • The vehicle is fitted with appropriate safety restraints and child seating for the age and height of the child (where required)
  • Safety restraints are worn whilst the vehicle is in motion


Use of minibuses:


  • The driver meets the age, licencing and experience criteria for driving minibuses as laid down in section 10 of the driving policy
  • The driver is fit to drive the vehicle
  • The driver has undertaken the City Council's Defensive Driving or a MIDAS course within the timescales laid down in the driving policy
  • The vehicle is taxed, has a valid MOT, is adequately insured and is in a roadworthy condition
  • The vehicle is maintained and serviced on a regular basis as part of a scheduled maintenance programme and is subject to formal safety inspections
  • The vehicle is operated under a Section 19 Permit and the permit disc is present and on display in the vehicle
  • A pre-use vehicle check is carried out and recorded for school owned vehicles. Any defects should be rectified. If the defect is unable to be rectified it should not be used
  • A record of the vehicle's usage is kept
  • The vehicle is fitted with a suitably sized first aid kit and fire extinguisher
  • A code of conduct indicating expectations in relation to behaviour is employed and adequate supervision of children is in place to prevent disruption to the driver
  • The vehicle is fitted with the correct safety restraints and child seating for the age and height of the child (where required)
  • Safety restraints are worn whilst the vehicle is in motion


The school will ensure all driving activities will be risk assessed and that where private vehicles are used for business use:


  • The driver holds the appropriate licence for the vehicle being driven.
  • The driver is fit to drive the vehicle.
  • The vehicle is taxed, has a valid MOT and is in a roadworthy condition.
  • The vehicle is insured for business use.
  • The vehicle is fitted with appropriate safety restraints and child seating for the age and height of the child (where required).
  • Safety restraints are worn whilst the vehicle is in motion.


Stoke school recognises that it is an offence to use, cause or permit the driver to use a hand-held mobile phone or other electronic communication devices whilst driving or controlling a vehicle on the road and will instruct staff that:


  • Drivers must not respond to calls or messages whilst driving. Calls or other communications must only be returned when safe and legal to do so, i.e. vehicle is stationary and in safe position with engine turned off.
  • Hand held radios and mobile phones are not to be used on petrol station forecourts.


All accidents that occur whilst on school business will be reported in accordance with City Council and school accident reporting procedures.


Where staff are involved in an accident they are instructed NOT to admit any liability or responsibility at the scene; to exchange insurance details and notify the Head Teacher as soon as possible; the driver to complete an accident report form as soon as possible whilst the details of the accident are still fresh.


In the event of a vehicle fire, staff are to be instructed to:


  • Stop the vehicle in as safe a position as the situation allows
  • Get all persons out of the vehicle and move to a safe location
  • Contact the emergency services if required
  • Only if you feel it is safe to do so without endangering yourself or others, try to put out the fire


3.16 Educational Visits, Learning Outside the Classroom Including School-led Adventure Activities

Stoke Primary School adopts the National Guidance for the Management of Off-site visits and LOtC activities. A specific Educational Visits Policy details local arrangements.


3.17 Electrical Systems and Equipment

Stoke Primary School maintains and services electrical systems and equipment in line with statutory guidance and best practice. Electrical systems (hard wiring) is periodically inspected every 5 years by a competent contractor and records maintained; any remedial works recommended are acted upon in a timely manner.


Portable electric appliances have a portable appliance test (PAT) carried out, in line with HSE guidance 'Maintaining portable electrical equipment in offices and other low environments' (INDG236), by a competent contractor with records maintained.


Formal termly workplace inspections are undertaken whereby all equipment is visually inspected. Staff are instructed to undertake a visual inspection of equipment prior to use and not to use any equipment that appears damaged or defective. The School's defect reporting procedure is followed as required.


3.18 First Aid

Stoke Primary School has completed a first aid risk assessment, which has identified the minimum numbers of first aiders, paediatric first aiders and appointed persons required by the school.

The number of first aiders, paediatric first aiders and appointed persons meets recommendations and adequate cover is available to cover for annual leave and unexpected absences.


All first aiders and appointed persons hold a valid certificate of competence, the school maintains a register of all qualified staff and will arrange re-training as necessary.


First Aid notices are clearly displayed around the school.


Sufficient numbers of suitably stocked first aid boxes are available and checked monthly to ensure they are adequately stocked.


A suitable area is available for provision of first aid.


Staff are regularly informed of first aid arrangements within school, through induction, teacher training days and the staff handbook which is issued annually.


Where first aid has been administered this is recorded in the first aid treatment book.


For EYFS pupils, where first aid has been administered this is recorded in the EYFS first aid treatment book and signed off by the parent/carer.


Correct reporting procedures are followed.


Individual risk assessments have been carried out which consider first aid provision for lone workers and employees who travel in works vehicles that carry passengers.


Information, instruction and training will be provided to staff on any specific medical conditions of pupils and the procedures to follow in case of emergency.


3.19 Lettings

All hirers are to be made fully aware of, and are responsible for compliance with, the school’s health and safety policy. Hirers will be instructed that good housekeeping within the school must be maintained and all areas used by the hirer must be left as found. Hirers will be responsible for any damages to the premises, fixtures, fittings and displays of work and are required to have appropriate indemnity insurance in place to cover any losses or damage incurred.

Prior to the initial hire session, the school will ensure that the hirer will meet with the school representative or site services officer who will acquaint the hirer with the following:


  • The school’s fire and emergency plan and fire evacuation procedures.
  • The location of fire-fighting equipment.
  • Accident, incident and assault reporting procedures.
  • Arrangements that need to be made for out of hour’s security.


Hirers will be instructed that they must nominate one responsible person to be in charge of proceedings. This nominated person will be responsible for initiating and organising any emergency actions, including:


  • Contacting the emergency services, the school representative or site services officer in the event of an emergency. The responsible person must also be in possession of a mobile phone in the event of a communications failure or being unable to access a landline.
  • Providing sufficient first aid equipment and qualified first aiders for the people attending their classes/events.
  • Informing the Head Teacher of all emergencies at the earliest opportunity ideally no later than the next working day.


Hirers will be instructed that they ensure adequate security controls remain in place during occupancy. Access to the site will only be made via one main entrance to prevent out of hours casual intrusion and a designated representative will be tasked with staffing the main entrance to 'meet and greet' and to register attendees. Internally, areas of the school not used for the letting will be out of bounds. Should intruders be sighted on school premises, hirers are instructed not to attempt to intercept or challenge them, but inform the Emergency Services Unit, Police and Site Manager.

Where the letting of school premises involves the participation of school pupils, the school will require users to prepare and submit, prior to the hiring commencing, and a system of work for the following:


  • The safe arrival and departure of pupils to/from the activity.
  • Responsibility for transferring pupils from class to the activity and from the activity to parents / guardians.
  • The security of pupils during the activity.


Hirers will be instructed not to obstruct the school entrances with vehicles etc. in the event that emergency access to the school is required by emergency services and the entrance to the site or access to fire hydrants remains available.


A strict NO SMOKING policy exists in school buildings and on the school site. Hirers will be instructed that this must be adhered to at all times.

When activities are concluded the Site Manager will be informed in order that the buildings can be secured.


3.20 Moving and Handling

Stoke Primary School will ensure that the legislation surrounding the moving and handling of both persons and inanimate objects as detailed in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations are fully complied with. The Head Teacher will ensure the following arrangements are followed:

Moving and handling is avoided whenever possible.

If it cannot be avoided, moving and handling is properly planned, is risk assessed as appropriate, is carried out by competent staff and carried out in a manner which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe.


Those undertaking specific moving and handling tasks have received appropriate training or instruction and training records are maintained.

Any equipment provided to assist with moving and handling tasks is maintained and serviced in accordance with statutory requirements.

Any defective equipment is taken out of use until it is repaired or is replaced.

An individual risk assessment will be completed for all new or expectant mothers and staff with identified medical conditions that may be affected by undertaking moving and handling tasks; these may result in some moving and handling task being restricted.

Any accidents resulting from manual handling operations will be investigated to identify root causes and implement additional controls as required.


3.21 Security

The Head Teacher will ensure that standard procedures are in place to minimise risk and that all staff are fully aware of the security arrangements and of their own responsibilities, receiving such training as is necessary to fulfil those responsibilities.

The Head Teacher will ensure parents and older pupils are fully informed of the security arrangements and should be encouraged to help.

The school undertakes an annual review of security risk assessments and undertake regular routine security checks. Advice is obtained from the Health and Safety consultant on security matters and all crimes are reported to the Police and insurers. The Head Teacher reports regularly to the Governing Body.

The Head Teacher is responsible for the security of the premises during the school day; in their absence the Deputy Head Teacher assumes this responsibility.

All staff are made aware of the security procedures and know how to:


  • Protect pupils from harm
  • Guard against assault
  • Safeguard property
  • Contact the police/emergency services


New staff are informed of the school’s security arrangements and of their responsibilities before taking up their post.

The Site Manager is responsible for the "hands-on" security of the school, for example unlocking and securing the school site and buildings during the week and pre-arranged out of hours community use.


As children progress through the school, they are made increasingly aware of the security arrangements. They will be encouraged to assist with these when possible. The pupils will be taught about personal safety and social responsibilities.


The Head Teacher will be informed of any special concerns regarding pupils (e.g. pupils on the Child Protection Register/ looked after children/those who may be abducted/ those who may run way and any who are subject to Care Orders) and parents and outside agencies have a responsibility to ensure that this information is shared with the school. Relevant teachers will be informed in confidence, of any pupils who require special care and sensitivity.

The parents of pupils are kept fully informed of security procedures, and of their responsibilities when visiting the school, in the:


  • School prospectus
  • School newsletter
  • Individual letters


Our school values co-operation from the local police and community in assisting security arrangements for the school site and the surrounding area. The school communicates with the local neighbourhood wardens on security matters. Local residents are encouraged to report incidents directly to the police.

The Police are called immediately if there is an incident of a violent, aggressive or abusive nature. The Police will be called immediately when a child goes missing, for example after school.


For further details, reference should be made to the school’s standard procedures and risk assessment for security.


3.22 Statutory Inspections

Stoke Primary School ensures that statutory inspections are undertaken at required intervals for all plant and equipment required. A table detailing required inspections, date of last inspection, date of next inspection and who is undertaking the inspection has been developed and this is monitored at the health and safety committee to ensure on track.


3.23 Stress Management

Stoke Primary School acknowledges that there are many factors both work related and personal that may contribute to staff ill health including stress.

The school will follow the principles of the HSE guidance 'Managing the causes of work-related stress' (HSG 218). The following arrangements are in place to locally manage staff health issues:


  • employees are advised that it is their responsibility to inform their line manager, the Head Teacher or another member of the senior leadership team of any ill health issues
  • an appropriate senior member of staff will meet and discuss the ill health issues with the employee and consider what actions could be taken to support the staff member and where appropriate assist in reducing stress levels
  • the member of staff will be offered a referral to an occupational health professional for advice and support, e.g. counselling, etc.
  • the member of staff will be advised that support can also be provided through their trade union
  • a series of regular review meetings will be scheduled to monitor ill health and stress levels where they have been identified
  • if it is identified that there is a high occurrence of staff ill health or stress within the school, the Head Teacher will actively seek support to undertake a holistic assessment to identify what the possible root cause may be and implement a plan to improve the situation.


3.24 Prevention of Work Related Violence Including Lone Working

The school is committed to providing a safe and secure working and educational environment for staff, pupils and any other persons on its site. Where applicable, in addition to the control measures identified in the site specific violence and assaults risk assessment and lone working risk assessment, the following procedures are in place:


  • Staff are advised to:
    • avoid confrontation if possible
    • withdraw from situation
    • arrange seating so that a clear escape route from the room to a place of safety is available. Sit near the door, or use a room with two doors
    • follow measures/ procedures identified in violence and assaults risk assessment
    • contact emergency services, as appropriate.
    • inform the Head Teacher or a member of the senior management team if confrontation has taken place


  • Stoke Primary School will:
    • Ensure the Head Teacher or member of the senior management team attends site on being informed of an incident, if considered necessary
    • have in place procedures for the reporting of incidents
    • offer counselling/ support through Occupational Health
    • debrief individuals following any incident
    • provision of training on how to manage conflict and aggression as required
    • review the violence and assaults risk assessment following any incident.


3.25 Water Management (Control of Legionnaire’s disease)

Stoke Primary School will ensure that the legislation surrounding water management as detailed in the CoSHH Regulations and Approved Code of Practice L8 are fully complied with, in particular:

The Head Teacher will ensure that competent persons are engaged to manage the water system and control the spread of legionella bacteria. These persons will be the school SSO and specialist external contractors.


The school will ensure a suitable and sufficient assessment is carried out to identify and assess the risk of exposure to Legionella Bacteria from work activities and the water systems on the premises and any necessary precautionary measures.


The assessment will include identification and evaluation of potential sources of risk and the particular means by which exposure to legionella is to be prevented; or if prevention is not reasonable practicable, the particular means by which the risk from exposure to legionella bacteria is controlled.


The risk assessment will be reviewed at least every 2 years and/or when the situation changes or if for any other reason it is believed that the original assessment may no longer be valid.


Where the risk assessment shows that there is a reasonable foreseeable risk and this cannot be totally eliminated, there will be a written scheme for controlling the risk from exposure. This scheme will specify measures to be taken to ensure that it remains effective.


In certain situations safe guards for the prevention of scalding may be in conflict with the controls in place to prevent the proliferation of Legionella and the school ensures that these circumstances are appropriately managed by having thermal mixing valves installed.


The school will ensure that a suitable and sufficient monitoring regime is in place and that records are kept.


3.26 Working at Height


Stoke Primary School uses a variety of access equipment for working at height tasks, ranging from kick stools for short low risk access such as the putting up of a poster, step ladders and ladders for short duration works and mobile tower scaffolds for more complex tasks.


The school will ensure that the legislation surrounding working at height, as detailed in the Working at Height Regulations are fully complied with, in particular:


Work at height is avoided whenever possible.

If working at height cannot be avoided, the task is properly planned, suitably risk assessed, is carried out by competent staff and carried out in a manner which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe.


Those undertaking work at height have received appropriate instruction or training and training records are maintained.


All access equipment (ladders, step ladders, tower scaffolds etc.) is identified, suitable for the task and inspected regularly, at least annually, in accordance with statutory requirements.


Equipment not displaying the correct inspection label for the year or labelled defective is not used.


3.27 Workplace Inspections


Stoke Primary School recognises the importance of undertaking regular formal workplace inspections to ensure that the premises remain a safe working and educational environment for staff and pupils. A formal termly workplace inspection is undertaken with findings documented and any actions allocated with remedial actions. The termly inspection findings are reviewed with actions monitored for close out at the health and safety committee. It is recognised that termly inspections alone will not keep a premises safe and there is an expectation that staff will report any defects/damage to premises and equipment as per the school's defect reporting procedure.


Related H&S Documents

Specific site arrangements can be found, or may be referenced, in the appendices to this document.

Related H&S Documents

Location/appendix reference

DSE risk assessments

  • SBM Office

Fire risk assessment and emergency procedures

  • SBM Office & evacuation signs throughout school site

Fire log book

  • SSO Office

First aid risk assessment

  • SBM Office

Health and safety meeting minutes

  • SBM Office

Local asbestos management plan (LAMP)

  • SBM & SSO Office

Manual handling risk assessments

  • SBM Office

Premises management/statutory inspections

  • SSO Office

Risk assessments for all staff and curriculum activities

  • SBM Office & Staff H&S Noticeboard

Risk assessments for educational visits and associated documentation

  • SBM & Main Admin Office

Site inspection reports

  • SSO Office

Statutory inspection certificates, reports, etc.

  • SSO Office



This Health and Safety Policy together with the associated procedures and health and safety performance, will be reviewed by the Governors and Head Teacher on a regular basis (every two years as a minimum), or as required.

In order to substantiate that health and safety standards are actually being achieved, the school will measure performance against pre-determined plans and objectives. Any areas where the standards are not being met will require remedial action.

The school will use different types of systems to measure health and safety performance:


4.1 Active monitoring systems:

  • Spot checks and termly site inspections will be undertaken
  • Documents relating to the promotion of the health and safety culture will be regularly examined and reviewed
  • Appropriate statutory inspections on premises, plant and equipment will be undertaken
  • Where necessary, health surveillance and environmental monitoring systems will be implemented to check the effectiveness of health control methods and to detect early signs of harm to health.


4.2 Reactive monitoring systems:

  • Identifying where health and safety standards are not being met, by monitoring for failures in the systems - such as accidents, cases of ill health (work-related sickness), damage to property, etc


4.3 Reporting and response systems:


  • ensuring that monitoring information is received, having regard to situations which create an immediate risk to health or safety, as well as longer-term trends and ensuring remedial action is taken
  • School health and safety committee, Governing Body and Senior Leadership team will all receive and consider reports on health and safety performance


4.4 Investigation systems:

  • Prioritising investigation of incidents which indicate the greatest risk and the identification of both the immediate and the underlying causes of events
  • Analysing data to identify common features or trends and initiate improvements
  • Where cases of occupational ill-health are to be investigated
  • Where complaints relating to occupational health and safety are to be recorded and investigated
  • Where accidents/incidents and assaults with the potential to cause injury, ill-health or loss are to be reported, recorded and appropriately investigated



4.5 Third Party Monitoring/ Inspection


The school will be subject to third party inspection and monitoring, as follows:-

  • Coventry City Council Health, Safety and Wellbeing Services audit
  • Madrigal Safety Audit every three years.
  • As part of Ofsted requirements.


Actions arising from third party audit/inspection will be incorporated within the school action plan with appropriate target dates for completion.







12 Point Display Screen Equipment Set Up Plan



1 Backrest

  • Adjust the chair back angle for comfort and support; this should be fairly upright when typing.
  • Adjust the chair back height to give support to the small of your back.

2 Seat height

  • Adjust the seat height so that your elbows are just above the desk (relaxed shoulders, upper arms vertical, elbows bent at right angles).
  • Your wrists should be in a relaxed, neutral position over the keyboard.
  • Ensure armrests do not prevent you getting close enough to the desk or obstruct your elbows whilst typing. If necessary, request that armrests are removed.

3 Footrest

  • Your thighs should be approximately horizontal.
  • Ensure that there is no undue pressure on the underside of your thighs.
  • If thighs are not horizontal or your feet are not flat on the floor, use a footrest.

4 Keyboard

  • The keyboard should be directly in front of you and at a distance to allow you to maintain relaxed shoulders, upper arms vertical, elbows at right angles and a level (neutral) wrist posture (8-10 cm from desk edge).

5 Mouse

  • Position your mouse close to the side of the keyboard and within easy reach.
  • Take your hand away from the mouse when not in use.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts as an alternative to the mouse.

6 Screen, lighting & blinds

  • The screen viewing distance should be at approximately arm’s length.
  • Screen height should prevent excessive movement of the head and neck. Top of casing at or just below eye level. This will depend on typing style, software used, glasses worn and tasks performed.
  • Glare and reflections should be avoided by adjusting lights and closing blinds.

7 Desk & drawers

  • Your body position should be ‘squared-up’ to the desk.
  • Avoid sitting twisted. Shoulders should be in line with your hips.
  • Drawers, CPUs, waste bins, etc. should not obstruct your legs.

8 Document position

  • Use a document holder or position documents to reduce head and neck movement, e.g. between the screen and keyboard.

9 Equipment position & work area

  • Place frequently used items within easy reach.
  • As far as possible do not locate printers on your desk or within reaching distance.
  • Don’t cradle the phone between your shoulder and chin. Use your other hand to hold it or consider a headset if you use the phone and PC together a lot.
  • Make sure the area around your desk is free from obstructions, trip hazards, etc.

10 Work routine

  • Organise your work so that you that you have reason to get up out of your chair and away from your workstation, e.g. collecting documents, filing, making drinks, at least once an hour.
  • Adopt a variety of postures throughout the day.

11 Vision

  • Ensure you are aware of your entitlement to eye and eyesight testing (even if you already wear glasses). If in doubt, ask your line manager for details of local arrangements.
  • Have regular eye tests. Follow your optician’s guidance on repeat eye testing - usually every 2 years.

12 Reporting problems
(and other issues)

  • If you experience any problems whilst using your workstation or have any health and safety related concerns you should inform your line manager in the first instance. Always seek medical advice about health concerns.

APPENDIX 4 - Driving licence, insurance and MOT check sheet


(Details not enclosed online due to GDPR)






Date checked

Signature of checker

Signature of employee


Licence number

Expiry date

Points / endorsements

Expiry date

Business cover

Expiry date or n/a














































































































































































































APPENDIX 5 – Security Procedures


Control of Access

Stoke Primary School has a policy of welcoming visitors; however, we realise that problems can occur with angry parents, disaffected young people, criminal trespass or even child abduction or assault. To minimise the risk to the school community, especially the children, we have introduced procedures to limit access to the school site.


School Grounds

Security fencing bounds the perimeter of the school grounds, and access to the school car park is restricted to staff, contractors and deliveries. All children enter the school grounds via the perimeter pedestrian gates. During the school day, the pedestrian gates are locked, during which time visitors and late arrivals should enter through the main car park and front entrance, reporting directly to the administration office, signing-in and presenting credentials.


Parents are not allowed to drive their cars into the school car park. Parents are asked to wait outside the classrooms when collecting their children and should not be encouraged to enter the school buildings. If parents/guardians want to meet with staff, formal appointments must be made with the administration office. When attending appointments, parents/guardians should enter through the main entrance and sign-in.


If a stranger is seen on the school grounds, a member of staff should establish his or her identity and the reason for the visit. If the reason is not legitimate, the stranger should be asked to leave.


Access to the School Building(s)

To prevent unauthorised or unknown visitors entering school, security locks are fitted to all external doors (excluding the fire doors, which open only from the inside), apart from the main entrance to the school, which has a secure reception area with an access control system installed.


All office doors should be locked when not in use and all cloakroom/external doors closed at the end of break times.


All visitors to the school should report to the administration office, which is clearly signed. In the first instance, a member of admin staff will meet visitors; they will be asked to sign in and give the reason for their visit. A member of admin staff will then escort visitors to the member of staff requested – or asked to take a seat while the member of staff is contacted. The member of staff then comes to collect the visitor.


All visitors are expected to sign-in and wear a badge before they are allowed into the main part of the school.


No visitor is given unrestricted access to the school; this includes parents. All children and staff are alert to unrecognised adults in school. Children should report strangers to the nearest member of staff.


If a stranger is noticed in school, staff should establish his or her identity and reason for the visit.

If, at any time, an unsatisfactory reason is given, or proof of identity cannot be produced then the member of staff concerned should ask for assistance from the nearest colleague. The unauthorised person is asked to leave and escorted from the premises, as they are committing a trespass. If that person refuses, becomes aggressive or damages property, no attempt should be made by staff to eject the intruder and the police should be called immediately.


Parents have permission to enter the school premises. However, they should act as any other visitor to the school, complying with the appropriate school arrangements. They should not roam at will around the school, enter classrooms or interfere with members of staff carrying out their professional duties.


If parents wish to take their child/children out of school during the school day, they should report to the administration area. A request to take a child out of school should normally be made in advance in writing on a form requesting leave of absence.



Stoke Primary School is not a public place to which any member of the public is entitled to have access. Any person who enters without permission is a trespasser; trespassers are asked to leave.

If a parent is causing a disturbance, becoming abusive or violent towards a pupil, member of staff or another parent, the Head Teacher might revoke the parent’s permission to be on the premises by taking the following action:

  • The parent can be asked to leave and will be told ‘I am revoking (withdrawing) your permission to be on the school premises.
  • If the parent still refuses to leave willingly, the Police are called.
  • A formal letter from the Head Teacher/LA or Governing Body, confirming the parent’s permission to visit the school has been revoked for a fixed period.
  • Formal notification is important, as their human rights are being affected.

The police should be called immediately if there is an incident that is causing concern of an aggressive, abusive or violent nature.


Entering and Leaving School

All children enter and leave the school by their classroom doors. The front door is to be used only if a child arrives after 9.00am, when they should report to the office. All parents are asked to wait outside the school building unless invited in by a member of staff.


Supervision of School Grounds

Teaching staff are requested to be in their classrooms in good time so that parents can leave their child in safety. The Site Services Officer makes sure that the outside doors and main gate are closed securely at an identified time, shortly after 09:00 hrs.

Children are supervised at all times when in the playground(s). Supervision is by teachers and support staff at morning and afternoon breaks and by the dining room assistants at lunchtime.


If a teacher requests that a pupil remains in class for any reason then it is the class teacher’s responsibility to supervise that pupil. It is always advisable for staff to ensure that they are not alone with pupils for any length of time. It is good practice to always have another person present at all times to safeguard both staff and pupils from sensitive situations. Pupils must not be left alone in classroom areas. In the event of school staff having to take pupil’s home by car, another member of staff must always accompany them.


Leaving School at the End of the Day

At the end of the school day, the children leave by the classroom door. All of them know that, if the adult who should collect them has not arrived, they should come straight back into the building and stay with their teacher. After ten minutes, if no one has arrived, the teacher takes the child to the office and telephones to see what the delay might be. The child stays in the office until an authorised adult arrives. No child is allowed to leave unless we are sure they are safe.


Leaving School during the Day

No child is allowed out of school for an appointment during the day, unless a known adult arrives to collect him or her and reports to the office first. Prior notice should be given to the school. Parent/carer has to sign that they have collected their child in the office.


Educational Visits and Learning Outside the Classroom

Staff will closely supervise pupils during educational visits. The wearing of school uniform may be requested on all school visits. The school should be contacted if any pupil is injured or the party is likely to be delayed e.g. if the coach breaks down. Parents will then be informed accordingly. A member of staff who will remain there until the child’s parents arrive will take any pupil requiring medical attention to a hospital.


Security of Personal Property

Children should not bring anything of value to school. Individual staff are responsible for their own property. It is advised that staff do not bring large amounts of cash nor expensive/valuable items into the workplace. Mobile phones, wallets, handbags etc. should never be left unattended – they should be kept on the person or secured away in a lockable cupboard/drawer/locker. Personal items are not insured if left unattended and not secure.


Security of Equipment and Cash

Main items of school equipment, for example computers, TVs, projectors, are security marked using Smartwater. Portable ICT equipment (e.g. laptops, digital cameras) are not to be left unattended in an insecure classroom or office. Such items must be locked away.


All monies are handed into the school office via the child or parent and are not to be collected by staff. On-line banking is the preferred option of payment. Money that is received is reconciled as soon as possible by two members of staff and is collected by a contractor. The school has a safe for the storage of money. When dealing with sums of money, the personal safety of staff is paramount and staff should never place their own personal safety at risk.


Security of Building

An effective monitored intruder alarm is in operation. This is always set when the school is empty.

Security lighting has been installed where practicable.

It is the responsibility of the site services officer to ensure that all classrooms and offices are secure, the external doors and windows closed and locked, and equipment switched off, before leaving the premises.

The SSO is also responsible for locking the gates and setting the intruder alarm at the end of the day.


Safety of Key Holding Staff

Key holders called to the school premises in answer to the intruder alarm must not enter the school premises unaccompanied. Emergency Services Unit will attend if the intruder alarm sounds to ensure that it is safe to enter the site. They will then call in school staff where necessary.

If no reason for the alarm presents itself they will set the alarm and leave a communication for the school.

The Head Teacher, School Business Manager and Admin Team Leader and Site Services Officer are designated key holders and are responsible for the security of the building.


Site Services Officer

It is the responsibility of the site services officer to check daily that all locks and catches are in working order, that the emergency lighting is working and that the fire alarm has no faults. The operation of the CCTV and intruder alarm will also be checked, regularly maintained and results documented.


Before leaving the premises, the site services officer has a duty to ensure that all the windows are closed, that the doors are locked and secure, blinds/curtains are closed that the intruder alarm is set and that all gates are locked.


Contractors in School

When contractors are working in Stoke Primary School, the following precautions should be taken:

  • The school will provide all contractors with relevant information regarding the building, such as the local asbestos management plan, asbestos locations, fire and emergency plans and details of first aid provision. When on the school site, contractors must sign in. Badges identifying the company for which they work, should be worn at all times.


  • Contractor work on site will be subject to a specific risk assessment detailing how segregation between workers and pupils will be achieved. If contractors have to work in areas where pupils are present, pupils will always be under the direct supervision of a school staff member. Contractors will be expected to comply with acceptable and expected behaviour policy towards pupils.


Access Outside School Hours

On occasion, staff, pupils or contractors require access to the school out of normal school hours, in the evenings or at weekends and in the holidays. Stoke Primary School is aware that some staff are working on the premises before and after school and their security has to be safeguarded.


No person should be in school on their own, if at all possible. If this is unavoidable, all the doors should be locked and the staff member should have access to a (mobile) ‘phone and have a buddy system in place. Specific risk assessments and procedures for lone working are in place within the school and are reviewed annually.


Curtains and blinds should always be closed in the evening, but especially if staff are working late. When the Hall is used for evening lettings, pupils should have access to this area only; the remainder of the building should be locked and alarmed if the intruder alarm has a zoning facility.



At Stoke Primary School, we acknowledge that one of the most serious threats is arson and to reduce the risk, we take the following precautions:

  • Automatic fire detection and fire alarm are in place throughout the school. These are tested regularly and the results documented.
  • Fire drills take place each term. All fire exits are kept clear at all times and neither left open, nor locked from the inside.
  • The school grounds are kept clear of litter and movable objects that could be used to start a fire. The school refuse bins are secured and are held away from the building.


Bomb Threats

Any warning Stoke Primary School receives about such a threat is treated seriously, with the safety of the pupils and staff paramount. If a bomb threat is received the school should be evacuated immediately according to the emergency plan and the emergency services informed.

Staff should be vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious, for instance suspect packets, unrecognised vehicles in the car park or persons in unauthorised areas.


Reporting Incidents

All incidents of crime and losses are recorded, including information on the date, time, location, cost, staff, parents involved, action taken, and so forth. The Police and LA are notified.


A review of incidents over the year is distributed to the Governors.



The Health and Safety Consultant and Coventry City Council’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing team should be informed of any serious injury caused to a pupil or member of staff.




APPENDIX 6 – Lettings Procedures


In preparing Lettings Procedures Governors noted the following considerations regarding the letting of part of the school on a regular basis:

  • This could be a source of disturbance and disruption to the school if not carefully managed.
  • The Site Services Officer would be taking on additional duties for which he/she could be entitled to overtime.
  • We recognise that the SSO has a right to free time outside his/her agreed working hours.
  • Letting the school would bring additional income to the budget.


School Lettings

Such as Governor's Meetings, Parent-Teacher Evenings, HPSA Meetings. No charge is made, however overtime costs could be incurred by the SSO.

The Governing Body follows LA recommendations that the premises should not be let to:

  • Any persons under 18 years of age;
  • Any organisation with an unlawful or extremist background (eg. The National Front and The British National Party).

The Governing Body has also decided that the premises should not be let to any political or religious organisation.


Administrative Processes

Governors agreed to follow existing Education Department procedures:

  • Delegate to the Head Teacher arrangements for the day to day management and approval of lettings applications within the above criteria.
  • Accept that credit facilities will not be given and payments should be made in advance, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • Delegate the authority and process for the write-off of debts arising from lettings
  • Adopt scale of charges published in the Lettings Policy
  • Empower the Head Teacher to vary the lettings rate in particular circumstances (eg. large events such as weddings and sporting activities).




1. Application for the Hire of Educational Premises

Lettings applications should be made in writing using the appropriate form and be submitted to the Head Teacher for approval.

A lettings induction pack will be issued.

Times stated must include time for any preparation and packing up. Premises should be vacated promptly, especially at the end of the evening when staff have to clear up and make the building secure.


The School must not be left open without any supervision. If a letting ends considerably earlier than expected, the hirer should either notify the duty site services officer or leave someone in charge of the premises until the site services officer arrives to secure the premises. If an event over-runs, additional charges will be made.


2. Use of School Kitchens

In consideration of the stringent regulations imposed on hirers by the LA in the event of kitchen use, Governors decided not to allow hire of the kitchen area.


3. Acceptance of a Letting Application

If an application is accepted, a letter of confirmation will be sent.

No public announcement may be made concerning any booking until it has been confirmed in writing.

Hirers will only be admitted to those areas booked and additional charges will be made for unauthorised use of other facilities.

A hirer may not sub-let to another individual, groups or organisation.


4. Cancellation of a Letting

By the Hirer: The hirer must notify the Head teacher at the school of a cancellation at least 3 working days before the date booked, otherwise the full hire charge will be payable.

By the School Governors: The School Governors reserve the right to cancel any booking. Although an explanation will usually be given, the right is reserved to cancel without giving any reason.


In bad weather, the use of outdoor sports facilities may be cancelled at short notice. If in doubt, hirers should telephone the school for information and advice during office hours.


5. Decorations, Flags, Notices

No decorations, flags, notices or similar material will be allowed on the school premises without the prior approval of the Head teacher. Where approval is given, such use must not involve any damage to the building and/or the use of nails, screws, etc. The hirer will be responsible for any cost of repairing damage caused. Fly-posting is not allowed.


6. Licences and Legislation

Where the premises are to be used for concerts, or for dramatic, musical, film, sport or any other public entertainment, or if visual aids are to be used, the hirer is responsible for ensuring that:

  • Copyrights are not infringed and approvals are obtained where necessary.
  • The requirements of the Licensing Justices have or will be met.
  • No play shall be performed, film shown or entertainment allowed which is in any way offensive.
  • Only non-inflammable film is used at film shows.
  • Any licence necessary under the Theatres Act 1968 and the Cinemas Act 1985 has or will be obtained.
  • The provisions of the Children and Young Persons Acts 1933-69 (as amended) have been or will be observed.


6.2 Markets, Fairs and Car Boot Sales

By City Council bylaw, no market can operate within a six and two thirds radius of Coventry City Centre without the approval of the City Council. Organisers are required to give the City Council one month's notice of their intention to hold any temporary market. Markets cannot be held on Sunday. Commercial organisations will not be allowed to organise or participate in car boot sales on the school site, with the exception of ice cream vendors and hot dog stalls.


7. Damage

The hirer is expected to leave the premises in a reasonably clean and tidy state and will be held responsible for any claim for damage, loss or injury to persons, equipment or premises, which occurs within the school premises and grounds as a result of their use of the facilities.


Hirers are strongly recommended to take out public liability insurance to cover this responsibility. No property or equipment other than that specified and agreed on the lettings Application From should be used. If as a result of the letting any repairs or extra cleaning time is required, additional charges will be made to the hirer.


8. Accident Reporting

Any accident occurring during the course of a letting must be reported, in writing, to the Head Teacher at the earliest opportunity.


9. Hirer's Property

Electrical equipment brought onto the site must have a certificate of safety from a qualified electrical engineer.

The Governors accept no responsibility for any property, equipment or vehicles brought onto the school site. All such items should be removed immediately after each letting.


10. Safety Regulations and Procedures

All hirers should become familiar with the School's safety regulations and procedures (eg. In the event of a fire) and to ensure that members of their group know what to do in an emergency.


11. Vehicle Parking

Motor vehicles must be parked in the authorised car park(s). Parking is entirely at the owner's risk.


12. Food, Alcohol, Smoking and Gambling

No food or intoxicating liquor may be brought onto the school premises by a hirer without prior arrangements at the time of the booking. Any sale of alcohol will require a Magistrate's Licence and the specific approval of the School Governors. Gambling and the use of gaming machines is prohibited.


13. Large Events - for example Weddings, Festivals, Concerts, Sports Competitions

There must be one named person in charge of organising the event and this person should make him/herself known to the site services staff on duty before the event commences so that any problems/difficulties can be directed to them.

A deposit (or bond) will be charged, which will be refunded, less any additional expenses incurred as a result of the letting. These expenses may include such things as:-

  • extra work by cleaning or site services staff,
  • repairing damage,
  • excessive wear and tear on furniture and equipment,
  • additional time for the letting.


If the deposit is insufficient to cover the costs, further payment will be due.


14. Right of Admission

Free admission to any part of the premises during any letting is to be given at all times to representatives of the School Governors, the Chief Education Officer or to persons authorised by him, including Police Officers.


15. Extended Services & Lettings Agreement Charging Policy

Lettings applications should be made in writing using the appropriate lettings form and be submitted for approval. Times stated must include time for any preparation and packing up. If a letting ends considerably earlier than expected, the hirer should either notify the duty site services officer or leave someone in charge of the premises until the site services officer arrives to secure the premises. If an event over-runs, additional charges will be made. All charges for lettings are in line with Local Authority charges and cost of SSO overtime.


Charges to be paid in advance.

If the hirer defaults on payment, the lettings contract is terminated with immediate effect. A booking cancellation requires at least 3 working days before the date booked, otherwise the full hire charge will be payable. The School Governors reserve the right to cancel any booking and reserve the right to cancel without prejudice.
