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24-02-02 Newsletter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





2nd February 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


One more week


This has been a very short half term with only one more week before the half term break. Children continue to work hard striving to be the best version of themselves and we thank you for your support with their schooling. This week in our assemblies we thought about things that challenge us reflecting on ‘the climb’ we face during these challenges. We encourage all children and families to reach out during times of challenge knowing that solutions can be found. We discussed the importance of persevering, trying things a different way, being optimistic and not being afraid to ask for and accept help where needed.


We are pleased with the new trees our children planted last week and look forward to seeing them grow tall and strong. We are raising awareness in school of the small things we can all do to help make our planet more sustainable. Recycling, looking after plants and trees and reducing use of single use plastic are all ways we can do our bit. We are grateful to Mr McGarrity for the work he does with the Clean Up Crew, litter picking and teaching the children to have pride in their environment.




We have our half termly SEND coffee morning on Wednesday 7th February at 9am. Please do pop in for hot drinks and cake and a chance to talk to the staff that support your children including Sarah Yates (Speech and Language) and Becci Cain (Complex Communication Team), Mrs Morris (SENDCo) and myself. There will also be opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher.


A reminder to ensure children have coats (gloves and hats if required) during the colder weather.


Good condition previously worn uniform is available at school on Thursdays from 3pm, please come to the school office and ask to have a look.


Please keep up the reading and talking to your children about their school day and new learning, they have so much to share!


Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a happy and safe weekend and please do reach out for help and advice when and if needed, we will always do our best to support you. 


Kind regards


Lucy Pater  

Deputy Headteacher

