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21-01-25 Year 3 Letter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209







Dear Parents and Carer

Thankyou very much for helping you child to engage with their home learning. We have read some amazing sentences using expanded noun phrases. Seen some great fact files about some of the cities that you have researched and lots of great science work. We have enjoyed reading the work that has been emailed so please keep it up!!!

As a reminder we would like to outline what we are providing for year 3’s home learning on the school website on the class pages.


Every day each class will have a writing video to watch and then tasks to complete.



Children should continue to read to you at home.

Children to continue to read to an adult in school via zoom. (see website for your child’s time)

 Each day there is a comprehension task for your child to complete.

Children reading Lime, white, Gold or Purple books are to complete group 1 tasks (fox icon).

Children reading Turquoise, Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow or Red are to complete group 2 tasks (tiger icon).

There is also a story to listen to each week.


There is a maths video to watch and a task to complete every day.

Please keep up with your Times Table Rockstars



The afternoon lessons are mainly focussed on History, Geography, Art, Science and PE.

There will be curriculum work set every day for your child to complete.


Class zoom meetings may at times have to change please refer to the website for the current week’s times.


Kind Regards


Mrs Maguire and Miss Lewis.



