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20-09-21 Welcome to nursery - Tapestry- Online Learning Journal

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





Monday 21st September 2020


Dear Nursery Parents


We are pleased to announce that we have added a new way to stay up-to-date with what your child is learning at Nursery.


Tapestry Journal is an online system where you will receive observations (complete with photographs or video) showing you what your child has been learning and the new skills they are developing.


The Tapestry Journal system is completely password protected and to set up your app you will need to follow the link that we will send you via your email address. If you have not received an email link by 24th September please check your spam/junk inbox first and then contact school at office@stoke.coventry.sch.uk. We will be using the e-mail address that you provided on your enrolment forms, please let us know if they are not correct.


After viewing the observations, you can send us your comments and feedback through the app on your phone or tablet. We also welcome observations from home, which can be completed via the app and sent in. For example, if your child has created something or enjoyed a special celebration and you would like to share it with us.


As discussed, when you visited for your ‘meet the teacher’ session, the observations of your child may sometimes include their friends and often conversations between them. We will only ever use children’s initials and appropriate photographs. If you have any concerns, please speak to Mrs Lapworth.


These observations are for your own personal use as a family and it is vitally important that they are not shared on any social networking sites, even if it is only your child in the observation.


If you have any questions or need any additional information, please ask.


Yours sincerely,

Carla Lapworth

Nursery Teacher


