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Homework & Feedback Policy

Homework and FeedBack Policy



Policy last reviewed: November 2023

Reviewed by: Lucy Pater

Agreed by governors:

Shared with staff: 

Frequency of review: Annually

Date of next review: November 2024




All teachers at Stoke Primary have the responsibility to lead learning for their pupils in line with expectations set in the National Curriculum and to provide high quality feedback which enables them to make progress. Stoke considers feedback to be an integral part of the learning progress. Teachers are the lead practitioner in feeding back to all pupils in a way which enables them to make progress in their learning and this should be done in partnership with the pupils.  

This policy will outline the range of systems used to feedback to pupils about their learning.




Using the principles and processes of feedback, we aim to:

  • focus on the quality of feedback and not the quantity
  • focus of feedback relates to learning intent of the lesson
  • monitor pupil progress and support learning
  • recognise the achievements of pupils and inform them of these
  • guide future planning


Feedback strategies


Feedback should be meaningful, manageable and motivating for both teachers and pupils. At Stoke we recognise that feedback will vary by ability, age group, subject and what works best in relation to the individual piece of work. Teachers are encouraged to adjust their approach to feedback as necessary. Feedback should be proportionate to the task and staff should consider the frequency and complexity of written feedback alongside the benefit to the pupils.

Feedback strategies could include (but are not limited to):


  • short celebratory or challenging written comments where appropriate
  • verbal feedback at the point of learning (teacher will write V at the point feedback was given)
  • peer marking
  • self-assessment
  • steps to improve
  • challenges
  • reminders


It is the teacher’s responsibility to write ‘V’ in the child’s book after the discussion has taken place. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure the child understands the feedback and is able to articulate their learning and the feedback they received.


Feedback should link to the learning objectives and steps being taught, identified in teacher planning.

Where questions are wrong, for example in maths or reading. If appropriate, the child will then be expected to go back to correct the question next to it following feedback from the teacher.


Feedback should be completed before the next lesson and in time to effectively inform future planning. Where feedback is written and gives actions for the pupil to complete, time must be given for this before the next lesson.


Summary of feedback expectations


  • Children in year 2 and above use purple pens to edit and improve their work. PURPLE POLISHING
  • Corrective marking is written in blue pen by teachers and LSAs.
  • A pink pen may be used to highlight a section of writing that needs further thought: THINK PINK!
  • A green pen is used to highlight what has been done well. GREAT GREEN!
  • Supply teachers are expected to initial marking
  • Stickers with date and learning objective to be used for children with SEND / EAL.
  • Teachers to highlight corrections needed by underling, using ‘sp’ or writing the symbol from non-negotiables in blue. It is then the expectation that the child corrects in purple.
  • Children are given smileys for demonstrating Stoke learning qualities: Challenge yourself, persevere, focus, explore, reflect – this is not recorded.





Verbal feedback given


Supported work


Something is missing




Check and re do


Something is not right here (put next to incorrect work)



  • Sheets to be trimmed so they fit in in the book.
  • Sheets to be glued around the edges.
  • Dates to be written on the line and where underlined in KS2, a ruler must be used.
  • Stickers for learning objective and date to be used for children with SEND / EAL to reduce cognitive overload.
  • Rulers must be used to draw any lines and tables.
  • Short dates to be used in maths.
  • Skills are practised at the back of the books.
  • In Year 6, children write in black pen


Monitoring of provision

Quality of feedback provision will be monitored through book trawls, pupil conversations and during lesson observations.


Support Documents

  • Teaching and Learning Policy
