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14-02-23 Whole School Letter - Ofsted

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





14th February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Before Christmas we had a visit from Ofsted.  The inspection was an ungraded inspection, however over the two days the lead inspector reviewed all aspects of Stoke and what we offer our children.  The official report has now gone live on the Ofsted website.


I am delighted with many elements of the report and how it reflects the learning ethos, ambition for every child, including those with SEND and high expectations of behaviour.


All staff are very focused on ensuring that Stoke is the very best school it can be.  At the start of this school year we had a significant number of new leaders in school.  Mr Morrow, Miss Burns, Mrs Morris and Mrs Lapworth were integral throughout the inspection showing the inspector the developmental steps they have taken, why they were necessary and how we know they are working.


Miss Parker has joined us as our new Curriculum lead in January and she will continue the development work Mrs Noone had been delivering.


A group of Governors met with the Inspector to discuss the strategic steps taken and future direction as they support our ambitions for our children.


The Ofsted report makes clear that there is a strong skillset to ensure we do deliver the very best school for your children.


The staff across school work hard throughout the school year ensuring we provide the best lessons and the most exciting learning environment for all our children.  The inspection also enabled our children to shine as they shared their work, their confidence and self-identity.  We are so proud of all members of the school team.


Below is a link to the report on our website.  It is translatable to enable everyone to read it fully.  The official pdf version is linked at the bottom of the page.


Ofsted | Stoke Primary School


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Mathew Ascroft

Head Teacher




