Stoke Primary School | |||
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Date Reviewed by Governors | Autumn 2023 | ||
Date of Next Review | Autumn 2025 | ||
Appendices Included | Appendix 1 | Specimen First Reminder | |
| Appendix 2 | Specimen Second Reminder | |
Modifications | None | ||
This policy is based on the LA model
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Purpose To ensure that all viable steps are taken to recover money due to the school, minimise the number of instances that credit is given and to take prompt and appropriate recovery action in respect of unpaid debts to ensure the stability of the school budget. As a school we recognise that we have a financial responsibility to our users, and will not allow debt to accumulate, so that it creates further financial hardship. Our duty is to be clear and transparent regarding charges and their recoupment therefore this policy is designed to ensure this is followed. Procedure All relevant paperwork should be completed prior to the goods or services being provided, for example, all potential lettings should have completed a hire request form. This forms part of the agreement and ensures the hirer/ parent/carer is aware of the terms and conditions of the service provided. Wherever possible obtain payment in advance of the goods or services being provided. For economy reasons we do not issue invoices for sums below £5, if an invoice is required for below this sum, an admin fee for the remaining amount totalling to £5 will be applied. Collection of debt is dependent on the service or goods provided. It is important to dedifferentiate between a hirer and parent/ carer. Any collection of debts should not impact on any children of the school and the dignity of the child must be upheld at all times; therefore, debt recovery should be pursued in confidence with the parent/ carer. Dinner Money
Curriculum activities Extra-curricular activity/ additional costs
Breakfast club/ After school club
Lettings/ Minibus hire
All contact will be made as economically as possible; therefore, all contact will be made electronically where possible. Formal debt recovery process Once the formal debt recovery process begins, there will be an embargo placed on any further services or goods provided to the hirer/ parent/ carer. In the instance that the debt is from a parent/ carer, this debt will not prevent the child from accessing curriculum activities or free school meals. A request to instigate legal proceedings to recoup the monies owed will be referred to either the City Council’s Sundry Debtors Team, Coventry City Council’s Legal Services, or a private debt collection company. Additionally, we may notify other schools to prevent the debtor defaulting on debts across the city. Write offs On occasion in consultation with the appropriate person, the debt may be written offs. The Authority to write off unpaid debts is as follows:
All debtors write offs are reported to Governors as a standing agenda item at the Resource Management Committee |
Appendix 1:
Dear Parent/Carer,
We have previously contacted you with regards to your outstanding amount of £ owed to Stoke Primary School for (insert). Unfortunately, if the amount of £ remains unpaid. A letter was sent to you on (insert date appendix 1 sent).
As a school we are unable to allow any parent/ carer to accrue long standing debt.
Please can you make payment of £X to bring your childs account up to date. It is important that you contact us to discuss this further if debt cannot currently be paid. There are always ways that we can support.
Unfortunately, if we do receive payment or agree a payment plan by (insert date) we will not be able to continue to provide your child with (insert detail).
If you dispute the amount owing, please do speak with us.
Yours sincerely
(Insert Name)
(Insert Job Title)
Appendix 2:
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Hire of XXX
Thank you for your booking of XXX, an invoice was sent to you on XXX (invoice NO.) for £
Unfortunately, we have not received payment for this as per the payment terms, payment should have been received by X.
Without payment we are unable to hold your booking, if we do not receive payment or reach an agreement on this we will cancel the booking in seven days.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss.
Yours sincerely
(Insert Name)
(Insert Job Title)
Appendix 3:
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Hire of XXX
Unfortunately, despite notification on X the hire fee for X remains unpaid.
(Future Booking) - As per our debtor’s policy, without payment we are unable to hold your booking, therefore your booking is cancelled. Any future bookings may be declined.
(TAKEN BOOKING) We will now be instigating legal proceedings to recoup the monies owed, this will be referred to either the City Council’s Sundry Debtors Team, Coventry City Council’s Legal Services or a private debt collection company.
We may also notify other schools of this non-payment to prevent future defaults on debts across the city. Any future bookings at Stoke Primary School will not be considered.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss.
Yours sincerely
(Insert Name)
(Insert Job Title)
Appendix 4:
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Hire of XXX
Unfortunately, despite notification on X the hire fee for X remains unpaid.
(Future Booking) - As per our debtor’s policy, without payment we are unable to hold your booking, therefore your booking is cancelled. Any future bookings may be declined.
(TAKEN BOOKING) We will now be instigating legal proceedings to recoup the monies owed, this will be referred to either the City Council’s Sundry Debtors Team, Coventry City Council’s Legal Services or a private debt collection company.
We may also notify other schools of this non-payment to prevent future defaults on debts across the city. Any future bookings at Stoke Primary School will not be considered.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss.
Yours sincerely
(Insert Name)
(Insert Job Title)
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