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Welcome to Reception. Class of 2023-2024

Stoke Primary School


Briton Road



024 7645 1724



Head Teacher:  Mr M Ascroft


Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs L Pater

Assistant Head Teachers: Mrs S Morris and Miss E Parker


Welcome to Reception

Believe and Achieve

Reception Staff

 Teachers: Miss E Collins and Miss A Hughes

 Learning Support Assistants:   Miss C Rigley, Mrs L Beech and A Lorgat

Our Early Years Team

Butterfly Class Teacher

Miss E Collins

Dragonfly Class Teacher

Miss A Hughes




Welcome to Stoke Primary School

Children joining Stoke Primary School are taking important steps on their learning journey.  The education we offer is based on the following principles:


  • Building on what the children already know and can do.
  • Building on and extending their interests, and developing their intellectual, social and emotional abilities.
  • Establishing a partnership between home and school that helps the children feel secure at School, and develop a sense of well-being and achievement.
  • Celebrating children’s successes and valuing all of the children’s efforts.
  • Providing a rich, stimulating and fun learning environment.



Starting School

Following on from a successful transition week in July, all children will start together from the start of term.  They will be busy learning from day one, making new friends, getting to know their teachers and learning about their new classroom environment through exploration and supported play opportunities.



During the first 3 weeks all children will be assessed to find out their starting points so that we can ensure all children make progress.  This is done mainly through interactions and observations by the Early Years team.

There is also a statutory baseline that we are required to do that takes place during this time and will be completed with our Early Years staff.  Each child will spend some time playing some simple games and the information is gathered via a computer.  The children have as much time as they need and it is completed in a calm and quiet space.  For more information about the Statutory Reception Baseline please go to: Reception baseline assessment: information for parents - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


The Statutory Framework for Early Years has recently undergone a review and changes have been made.  As a team we have worked hard to implement all changes to provide a rich and stimulating learning environment, broadening children's experiences.


The Early Years Foundation Stage is the statutory framework for learning and development; for children from birth to the end of their Reception year.


The Foundation Stage curriculum is organised into seven areas of    learning: three ‘Prime Areas’ and four ‘Specific Areas’ of learning. 

Prime Areas of Learning


Personal Social and Emotional Development

This includes:

· Self Regulation

· Managing Self

· Building relationships

Successful personal, social and emotional development is critical for very young children in all aspects of their lives and gives them the best opportunity for success in all other areas of learning.  We aim to      provide experiences and support to enable your child to develop a     positive sense of themselves and to develop positive relationships with others.  They learn about routines of the classroom and a set of class values that they aim to achieve.  Children are supported to learn from their mistakes and grow with confidence.  They will learn how to care for themselves including independent dressing skills and the importance of healthy food choices.


Communication and Language

This includes:

· Listening, Attention and Understanding

· Speaking

This area of learning includes developing listening and attention skills.  The children learn to listen during stories and other activities.  They learn to show understanding when following instructions and to talk about their experiences.  Through constant interactions in the classroom they develop their language and conversational skills.  


Physical Development

This includes:

· Gross Motor Skills

· Fine Motor Skills


Physical development in the Foundation Stage is about improving skills of co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement.  Physical development has two other very important aspects.  It helps children to gain confidence in what they can do and enables them to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active. 


Effective physical  development helps children develop a positive sense of well-being.  We aim to provide activities that offer physical challenges, both  indoors and outdoors, using a range of stimulating equipment.  We have an exciting Forest School area that the children love to explore.


Fine motor skills are developed through activities to support hand muscle development and then when children are ready to start to hold pencils correctly and form letters.  This can be encouraged at home through playing with playdough, chalking outside in big spaces and through encouraging play with small pieces such as Lego or bead threading. 


Specific Areas of Learning


This includes:

· Number

· Numerical Patterns


This area of learning includes having a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number .  Children will develop recognition of numbers and quantities through learning resources and opportunities.  The children will observe patterns in number and problem solve through practical play opportunities before moving on to recording their understanding.


All children will also explore shape and measure through their environment and natural problem solving.


This includes:

· Comprehension

· Word Reading

· Writing


Literacy begins learning to love books, stories and exploring their     imagination through play.  As children develop understanding of hearing sounds in words and what they look like through their phonics teaching this is then applied in their writing.


We will provide many mark opportunities through their play, encouraging them to explore different media.  Children will be supported to write through adult led   activities where the skills of writing can be modelled and then children are encouraged to apply their skills through the many learning opportunities in the classroom.



Learning in Reception

Children learn in a variety of ways.  The Reception setting is a highly organised and dynamic learning environment that is designed to enable children to make connections and transfer thinking and learning in a wide variety of contexts, both indoors and outdoors. 


Staff at Stoke Primary School are committed to developing innovations in teaching and learning that engage and challenge young learners.  We aim to establish high quality, forward thinking, Early Years practice and provision in our setting.


Parents will receive regular on-line newsletters dedicated to teaching, learning and the curriculum in the Foundation Stage.


We will be using our online Learning Journal platform, Tapestry, to share your child’s learning from school with you.  We encourage you to talk to your child about their learning and to share any home learning or experiences with us through the Tapestry App.


Children will learn through a mixture interactions with the Early Years team, child led learning (play) and adult led activities where skills are developed and practised.

The Power of Play
Play, both indoors and outdoors, is the key way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge.  In playing, they behave in different ways: sometimes their play will be boisterous, sometimes they will describe and discuss what they are doing, sometimes they will be quiet and reflect as they play.  Adults play a crucial role in extending and supporting children’s play.


 ‘Play is the work of the young child’

We aim to:


  • Make provision for purposeful and well planned learning experiences which follow the children’s interests.
  • Provide a broad and interesting range of learning activities, which enable children to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding through practical first-hand experience and problem solving. 

Parental Involvement

We value parents’ contributions to their child’s education and encourage parents to share relevant information with staff. At the  beginning and/or end of each day you can have the opportunity to speak to your Reception teacher.

Parents are encouraged to share and contribute to your child’s ‘Learning Journal’ through the Tapestry app.  More details of this can be found in your information packs.


If you have a particular issue you would like to discuss with staff we ask that you make an appointment, so that we can give you the necessary time and attention.


At two points in the year parent consultation meetings will be held and you will be given an appointment letter for these.

Throughout the year, if it is safe to do so, we will be holding a variety of parental involvement opportunities. 


 Admission Procedure

In order to help your child to settle into Reception we have some transition visits in small groups followed by a transition week in the summer term. This gives us the opportunity to get to know your child and also to help the children to adjust to their new environment. All children then start in September ready to learn from their first day at school.  If there are any children that need more time to settle then this can be discussed and arranged.


We ask that you are prompt in both bringing to (8.45) and collecting from school (3.15).  Children who are not collected on time may become distressed or anxious.


We regularly take photographs of activities in school to provide evidence of children’s progress. These photos are sometimes displayed in the classroom and used in children’s ‘Learning Journals’ (tapestry).  Some activities that are carried out involve groups of children therefore many of the photos will show several children. 

It is a legal requirement (GDPR) for us to have parents’ permission to display or share photographs so all parents will be required to sign a photographic & media consent form.


Health and Welfare

It is your legal responsibility to make sure we have up to date emergency contact details for your child.  We know that parents may change their mobile phones – please let us know immediately as in the case of emergency, we may need to contact you urgently.


Medical appointments should be made outside the school day however if a child has a medical appointment during the school day they will be signed out of school and should return to school as soon as possible after the appointment.


Minor accidents are dealt with by our qualified First Aiders.  It is vital that families provide us with up to date contact details in case we need to contact parents quickly.


If your child has asthma, please could you ensure that the class teacher has working inhalers in school at all times.  They will be stored as close to the child as possible so that they can use them on a regular basis or as their need demands.

Staff are not allowed to administer medicines other than in exceptional circumstances.  We are unable to accept a child if they are ill, we ask you to keep them away from school for 24 hours, if your child has diarrhoea or vomiting then 48 hours, to avoid passing infections on to other children. 


Head lice are an ongoing problem in all schools therefore please ensure that you check your child’s hair regularly (details enclosed in pack), treat if necessary, and always inform your child’s teacher. 


If your child has a medical condition or allergy please let us know before they start school so that we can make appropriate arrangements.


Please follow up to date guidance when your child has any Covid-19 symptoms.  Inform school immediately about any family member with symptoms.


Attendance and Punctuality

In order for your child to receive a full and rich education and to achieve their very best,  your child needs to be in school every day and on time.  We have high expectations of attendance because this has an impact on your child’s learning.  Evidence shows that poor attendance is linked to poor attainment. 


We are required to record persistent lateness and high absence levels and inform the attendance welfare officer. Poor attendance and poor punctuality can lead to fines.  

We understand that on occasions children may be ill, it is the parents responsibility to inform school on the first day of absence by contacting the school 024 76451724, by 8.30 am giving the reason for your child’s absence (there is an answer machine).  If the absence is for more than 2 days you will need to inform the school to update our attendance records.


We ask that you are prompt in both bringing your child to and collecting your child from Reception, as this has an impact on their learning journey and staff availability. 

School Dinners

The Government Universal Free School Meal provision began in September 2014, all children in Reception are entitled to have a free school dinner and will therefore be provided with one.  Any changes to these arrangements must be done in writing with a weeks notice.   Please ensure the school is aware of any dietary needs, such as vegetarian, food allergies etc.


Pupil Premium Entitlement

To register your child for Pupil Premium please register for ‘free school meals’ via the website below (please be aware that this different to the Universal Free School Meals scheme).  By registering, parents can raise additional funding for school which pays for valuable support for your child’s education such as extra tuition, learning resources, additional teaching staff or extra-curricular clubs and activities.



Dress Code

The school has a dress code. This is to encourage a sense of belonging and pride in our school, and to ensure children are comfortably and appropriately dressed.

The dress code is:

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with school logo),
  • Polo shirt - white or pale blue (school logo or plain).
  • In the summer girls may wear blue and white checked summer dresses.
  • Trousers/skirt/shorts (grey or black),
  • Flat black footwear should be worn at all times.  Velcro fasteners are ideal for promoting independence for younger children. Boots are not acceptable footwear inside school. 

Children will also require a school book bag (with the school logo on) for carrying letters etc to and from school. 

Items of uniform and school book bags can be bought from Cat Balou in the Burgess (Coventry City Centre).

All items of clothing should be named.

For safety reasons, no jewellery is allowed.

To avoid loss, damage or arguments, no toys are to be brought to school.



Outside gates are locked during school hours and access to the school building is via the front entrance. The Reception gate will be opened at 8.45 and locked at 8.55. Anybody arriving after this time will have to bring their child to the main school entrance to gain access.


For health and safety reasons, you must not park in the school car park or by the gates when dropping off or collecting your child. Parking fines can be issued.


Collection of Children

If you wish your child to be collected from Reception by someone other than yourself, we ask that you set up a password with the Reception teacher. Then if you need to ask someone else to collect your child, they will have to give the password to a member of staff.  Only people named by yourself or giving the password will be allowed to collect your child.


If any of your emergency contact details change you must inform us immediately. We understand that there may be exceptional  circumstances that cause you to be late to collect your child. You should always telephone school should this be the case.




We encourage positive behaviour and give children the opportunity to learn from their mistakes through reflection with someone from the Early Years team. Children in Reception join whole school assemblies to celebrate their achievements and our school STOKE values as they learn how to be:

Solution focused






Further Information

If you wish to find out more about any aspects of our provision, please ask a member of staff.


School policies are available to view on the schools

website. www.stoke.coventry.sch.uk

If you are required to make any payments to the school these are made via Sims Pay. In your welcome pack you will have a letter with instructions and an invitation code for you to register. If you have any issues please speak to a member of the office.

We look forward to seeing you soon


