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Writing at Stoke 


This year, we have adopted a new approach to teaching writing in KS1 and KS2 which incorporates some of the aspects of the Write Stuff programme but allows wider opportunity for the children to develop their creativity. They are then given individual targets based on focused objectives. This then allows every lesson to become more purposeful for each individual child. Lessons focused on these targets allow children to develop these skills and enable them to understand their own success criteria as a writer. The children are able to apply their understanding of the focus target within different genres before using both targets in their final independent piece. Experience days are included throughout the learning sequence to support the children in developing their own ideas and build on their imagination. This also ensures that the planning stage is clear and more detailed. Regular feedback is given throughout by teachers and peers to support in the children's success at achieving their targets. 


To see age-related expectations for each year group, please visit the class pages.
