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Year 6

Fox Class

As it is the end of our transition week we would like to take the opportunity to introduce ourselves as the staff teaching in 6Fox from September. Mrs Noone and Mrs Taylor will be sharing the teaching of the class during the week and Mrs Joyce will be our LSA for this year. We work closely as a team and if you need to you can speak to any one of us about your child.

So far this week the children have been amazing and we have been getting to know each other well. As Year 6 is an important year we have been focussing on setting the expectations for the coming year and finding out what we are going to be learning about in Year 6. Together we have thought about the qualities we all feel are important to possess and we have also been thinking about our aspirations for the year ahead.

One of our key focusses for next year is to help your child become more independent and responsible which will support them to manage their transition to Secondary School. In order to do this, we expect children to have everything they need to bring to school with them, including their water bottle and reading book and to do any homework tasks we set them on time. We ask that you support with this as it is a great opportunity for the children to develop those important skills ready for leaving us the following summer.

In September we will let you know what days our PE lessons are on. This may change at half term depending on when we have outside people working with us in school so please keep an eye on your emails and messages from school of any changes. This is the way we will generally communicate with you so please ensure that the office have up to date phone numbers and email addresses for you. As we have done this year, children will continue to come to school in their PE kit on these days. This consists of blue or black shorts, dark coloured jogging bottoms or leggings, their team-coloured t-shirt, and trainers. Please make sure that all their uniform including their P.E. kit is named, unfortunately the children are often guilty of leaving jumpers and the like on the playground and without a name they are unlikely to get back to their owner.

Please remember to come and speak to any member of the Year 6 team if you have any questions or queries and if you are unable to do this then you can contact us through the school office. We look forward to working with you over the coming year.


Mrs Noone, Mrs Taylor and Miss Joyce


Deer Class

What a great week we have had! I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I am Mr Morrow and I will be your child’s new class teacher in September. We will be the Deer class. I am really excited about next year and can’t wait to get started on your child’s final chapter at Stoke.  

During transition week, the children have been amazing and we have been looking at ourselves and our interests.  During this transition time we have been focussing on setting the expectations for the coming year and finding out what we are going to be learning about in year 6. We have been talking about their hopes for the future and setting some goals that they want to achieve when moving into year 6 with a big focus on being role models to other children and demonstrating kindness towards others. The first two weeks in September will see us carry on with our transition work and then we launch into our first immersive topic ‘Rumble in the Jungle’.

In September the children will need to bring a water bottle with them to school filled with water. In year 6 the children will continue to come to school dressed in their PE kit on P.E. days. This consists of blue or black shorts, dark coloured jogging bottoms or leggings, their team-coloured t-shirt, and trainers. The P.E. days will be confirmed early in September. Please make sure that all their uniform including their P.E. kit is named as we have so many jumpers left around without names on.  

I have been hugely impressed by their enthusiasm for reading this week and I really hope that this continues to flourish over the summer and can’t wait to hear what they have been reading about as well as other summer adventures they get up to.

Please remember to come and speak to me or Miss Ashford if you have any questions or queries. We look forward to working with you over the coming year.


Mr Morrow and Miss Ashford
