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21-01-25 Year 2 Letter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209







Dear Parents,

Thank you for your patience whilst we got all the routines, for this new type of learning in place. We are doing everything we can as a team to make the next few weeks as purposeful as possible for the children. Any support you can give your children at home is greatly appreciated.

Zoom readers are now up and running with the LSAs and we are delighted when children are in the waiting room and ready to begin, at their set time (if you are unsure of your times, please email us). Thank you to those parents who have kept background distractions to a minimum and have provided a quiet space for their children to read.

We have really enjoyed seeing children’s work when it has been emailed. Since the children have adapted well to home learning and are producing a standard of work that we would expect in the classroom, we are now asking for photos of all work.

  • Complete all work on the class pages (Writing, Reading, Maths and Curriculum per day)
  • Photograph all work and send it to the Year 2 email address (4 photographs per day)
    It is crucial that you are supporting your child with their home learning. However, these videos are to consolidate work that we have previously touched upon and therefore, children should be able to complete the majority of this learning independently.
    After this priority learning, children can access Purple Mash and Times Table Rock Stars with their username and password which you should find at the back of their home diary.
    We are now sending out certificates to children who are engaging well with their online work.
    We run Zoom check-ins every Monday (Mrs Morris), Wednesday (Miss Collins) and Friday (Mrs Brooker) at 1pm for 1 hour, where children can log in at any time during this hour to ask any questions they have and keep in touch with us and each other. It is not expected that children join for the whole hour. This will be for all Year 2 children.
    We hope that you are keeping safe and look forward to staying in touch during this time.
    Best wishes
    Year 2 team



