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23-01-24 Newsletter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





24th November 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,



Again, there is much to celebrate among the youngest to the oldest children in school. Nursery and Reception have been deepening their thinking around seasons and stories actively engaging in a range of learning experiences. Year 2 continue to find out about The Great Fire of London and are applying their historian skills and knowledge. Year 6 are nearly there with the Shakespeare plays and both children and staff are excelling at preparing for this experience. Mr Delaney has made a fantastic ship wheel out of wood, while Mr McGarity has made a very royal looking throne. The costumes are all looking splendid and the children’s enthusiasm is at an all time high!! Thank you to all.


Parent and Carer consultations

It was wonderful to see so many of you this week. There was a real buzz of positivity and sense of partnership as the children’s next steps were discussed. Whilst these were the official days for consulting, our doors are always open should you wish to discuss anything further.



  1. Thank you for not riding electric scooters on the playground and for ensuring children are able to arrive and leave school safely. Thanks also for ensuring children are collected by responsible adults and only siblings if they are in year 9 or older.
  2. Please continue to support your children by hearing them read and signing Boom Reader four times a week. This makes a huge difference to their progress
  3. Our next SEND coffee morning is Wednesday 6th December, please feel free to drop in for a chat.
  4. Previously worn uniform is available on Thursdays from 3pm in main office. Do pop along.
  5. Please be aware of the Nasal Flu Vaccination on Tuesday 28th November 2023.


Please look out for future forthcoming Christmas events which will soon be on the website.


Wishing you and your children a happy and safe weekend.  Thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards


Lucy Pater  

Deputy Headteacher

