Stoke Primary School is an exciting place to be. We aim to inspire our children with our creative approaches to the curriculum which is designed to motivate and engage our children in their learning. We want all our children to be lifelong learners with high aspirations for their futures and the skills to chase their dreams.
We recognise that children learn best when they have an emotional connection to the activities they are participating in. We do this through a stimulating, vibrant curriculum but also by contextualising the learning with real experiences in school, bringing in outside people and opportunities to go on trips.
Our children are unique and bring a wealth of knowledge from all parts of the globe. Enabling our children to bring this knowledge and experience to our school and celebrate it, empowers us all make our school a celebration of our diverse community.
At Stoke Primary School, we invest heavily in our relationships with the children, seeking to understand their needs. In this way, we ensure every child is given the individual response and scaffolding required to be able to succeed academically, socially and emotionally. We seek to see each situation through the eyes of the child and ensure that next steps are development.
Matthew Ascroft
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