As a result of the Children and Families Act (2014), from September 2014 there have been changes to the way in which children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are supported in schools. The Code of Practice (2014) now covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people, as well as those with SEN.
The key principles of the 2014 SEND Code of Practice are:
The Coventry Local Offer website has information about the services that are available. More information can be found here.
As a fully inclusive mainstream primary school, our aim is to support all children to aspire and achieve their potential academically, personally, socially and emotionally in all areas of the curriculum regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs. This can only be achieved through working collaboratively alongside parents and professionals using a flexible and personal approach.
We recognise that some children find it harder to make progress than their peers and may therefore have a special educational need or disability (SEND). At Stoke Primary School, we make provision for children who have difficulties with:
We acknowledge and cater for the fact that individual children often have needs across more than one of these areas and that their needs may change over time.
Our SENDCo is Mrs Sarah Morris she can be contacted on 024 76451724 or at
Our Inclusion Lead is Mrs Lucy Pater and can be contacted on the above number or |
How can I let the school know I have concerns about my child's progress in school? | The class teacher is the initial point of contact for discussing parental concerns. If you have further concerns, contact Mrs Morris or Mrs Pater.
Where can I find more information about the provision for children with SEND? | Further information can be found within our SEND policy. You can find this here.
As a parent/carer of a child with SEND, how will I get information about my child's needs and progress?
| We are committed to working with our families to ensure that we have the very best provision in place to meet the needs of our children with SEND. You can arrange to speak with the class teacher at the start or end of the school day to discuss any concerns you may have. Information can be shared about what is working well so that consistent strategies can be used at both home and school. Furthermore, class teachers hold termly scheduled meetings with parents (and interim meetings if needed) along with the SENDCo where requested. We use a web based provision and plan writing tool (Edukey) which parents have access to. Here they can view their child's plan and leave feedback about progress towards their targets. These plans are reviewed with parents and children as part of the parent meetings.
In some cases, the support given to children may escalate to them needing a 'My Support Plan'. This is reviewed termly and includes feedback from any agencies involved, to appropriately plan for next steps.
After three cycles of a 'My Support Plan' a referral for an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) may be considered.
Whether a child is on an Edukey plan, My Support Plan or an EHCP, termly reviews of children's progress towards their outcomes with parents, staff and agencies (if appropriate) inform the next steps. We follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle and always seek to show a graduated approach to children's support.
We wholeheartedly believe in working in partnership with parents and have an open door policy, welcoming conversations, queries and questions. We also hold regular coffee mornings where parents can meet other parents of children with SEND and find out more information about the school's provision for children with SEND. |
How is my child informed of their SEND and their progress towards their targets?
| Dependant on the age and ability of the child, children may be involved in the termly parent meetings. Where children have an EHCP, their views are always gathered prior to an annual review meeting. Class staff inform children of their Edukey plan targets and of the progress they are making to meet these targets. |
How will my child be supported as they transition between the different phases of education?
| We have a robust system of transition between the different year groups and phases (Early Years into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3). Current class teachers meet the new class staff to pass on all relevant information; we hold a transition week at the start of July where children spend the week in their new classes enabling them to feel comfortable with their new adults and enabling the staff to find out about the needs and adjustments that will need to be put into place. Meetings are held with all of our feeder secondary schools and where the needs are complex, this may involve extra visits to the secondary school to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. For mobility children (those children who leave or join Stoke mid year) who are on the SEND register, contact is made with SENDCo from the new or current school and all relevant information regarding a child’s special educational need and/or disability is shared prior to the child leaving or joining Stoke so that staff are fully aware of needs and can plan accordingly. |
How are staff trained to support children with SEND?
| All staff are committed to providing quality first teaching which is scaffolded for all abilities and makes reasonable adjustments for children with additional needs. In addition to this, staff access bespoke training for SEND based on the needs of our children - sometimes this is offered to all staff and sometimes this is on a needs basis. Examples of recent training are Attachment and Autism; Identifying and Meeting the Speech and Language Needs of Children in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2; Makaton; Attention Autism.
The teaching of children with SEND is the responsibility of the class teacher, with guidance from the subject leaders, to ensure individual subjects are scaffolded appropriately.
Makaton, Pre-teaching vocabulary, Inprint and additional time or adult support are all examples of how learning maybe adapted, to support the children with SEND needs. |
What external support is available for children with SEND?
| Stoke Primary School commissions support from various agencies including:
How accessible is Stoke Primary School for children will special educational needs and disabilities in and out of the classroom?
| Stoke Primary School is a single level access. We have a hygiene suite to cater for children with physical needs. We ensure that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs. Toilets and hand washing facilities for younger children (Nursery and Reception) are located within the classrooms. After school extra curricular activities are accessible to all children including those with SEND. Activities and school trips are available to all. Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.
Some children benefit from opportunities to improve their social and emotional development. Whilst good relationships with class teachers and LSAs provides the initial support, in some cases children will require additional SEMHL support. This may be provided by Mr Pahal who offers a range of interventions to empower and develop children's ability to regulate their emotions. In some cases this may lead to further support from Mrs Marlow (SEMHL support). You can find out more about how we support Mental Health and Well Being here. |
Who should I contact to find out about other support for parents and families of children with SEND? | For impartial and confidential Special Educational Needs and Disability information, advice and support for parents/carers, children (0-15yrs) and young people (16-25yrs), please follow the link to the SENDIASS page here.
Who should I contact if I am unhappy with an aspect of my SEND child's provision?
| Your first point of contact should be your child's class teacher. If you are still unhappy, please contact the SENDCo, Mrs Sarah Morris or the Inclusion Lead, Mrs Lucy Pater (contact details above). If your complaint isn't resolved, you can then follow our complaints policy which you can find here. |
Here is what parents and support agencies say about what we do here at Stoke! 2023-2024
My daughter is more vocal now and is doing very well. She is focusing more these days and is more independent. Thank you team!
I feel the support and help I get by the teachers is fantastic. Especially being an EHCP child. Teachers make a big impact in helping the children who need extra support and help.
I feel pleased that my son is finally making small progress and the school is collecting evidence to support him in hopefully getting an EHCP.
I am very pleased to join the parents coffee mornings. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet parents and answer any questions they have and discuss how to support their children. (SEMHL)
School prioritise their links with parents ensuring services like ours (CCT) can prioritise parental conversations when needed.
Fantastic that Stoke value parents involved so much, they set aside a morning of traded time for regular coffee mornings with us (SEMHL).
It is so valuable for parents, school staff and external professionals such as SALT to be able to meet in an informal way to talk about how things are going, what we can do better and also provide reassurance and support.
Today has opened my eyes to all that goes on in school.
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