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Health and Safety Leaflet

Health & Safety Advice




In the event of a fire alarm sounding continuously at any time, you must leave the building immediately using the nearest fire exit – clearly marked with a green and white sign.  There are fire notices around the school to inform you of your nearest assembly point. 


Take time to ensure that you know where to go. If you are a regular visitor/volunteer you should make sure you are aware of the relevant procedure for your location.




In the event of an accident, please advise a member of staff who will enlist the help of a qualified first aider.  If you have a medical condition you feel you have a condition we should be aware of i.e. diabetes, asthma, please inform Admin when signing in.




Please sign the visitor’s book at the main entrance to obtain a visitor’s badge which should be worn at all times.  Please keep all handbags and valuables with you at all times or left in an area designated by a member of staff..


If you leave the building for a short time, please exit through the main entrance and inform staff as you go.  Please do not leave any door open which could give access to unauthorised individuals.




No smoking is allowed anywhere on the school site or grounds. 


If you notice any damaged or faulty equipment please inform a member of staff immediately. If you are bringing materials for use in a classroom or around the site you are to inform a member of staff in advance so they can be checked to ensure they meet the relevant regulations.

Hot drinks are only permitted in the staff room and offices.


This leaflet has been given to you to make sure you understand what is expected of you.  Please ask the person who gave it to you if you are unclear about anything in it.  Please keep this leaflet in a safe place so that you can read it again if you need to.


Safeguarding is of the utmost importance to us.


If you have any concerns that a child is being harmed or is at risk of harm, or if you receive a disclosure you must contact the following staff immediately:


Mr Matthew Ascroft – Headteacher (DSL)

Rebecca Fenlon - Deputy (DDSL)

Michele Rowland - Deputy (DDSL)

Victoria Noone - Deputy (DDSL)

Anke Brooker - Deputy (DDSL)


Stoke Primary School

Briton Road, Coventry CV2 4LF

(Telephone: (024) 76451724

2Fax: (024) 76431209

<E-mail: office@stoke.coventry.sch.uk

Headteacher Mr Matthew Ascroft





























Health & Safety Advice


Visitors & Volunteers


Child Protection Advice for

Volunteers and Visitors

Stoke Primary School warmly welcome you. 

We hope this leaflet will provide all the information you need to make your visit enjoyable and safe.  As a school we are committed to safeguarding and meeting the needs of children and we hope this leaflet will provide some useful advice and information when working with children at Stoke Primary School.

What are my responsibilities as a volunteer or visitor?

All those who come into contact with children through their everyday work whether paid or voluntary have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

DBS Checks

All volunteers who work with children will require an enhanced DBS Disclosure.  This is to help ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children.

Please inform the Headteacher immediately if you become subject to any criminal investigation, caution or conviction.  This helps to protect you as well as the young people in your care.

Stoke Primary School has a Safeguarding Policy and a copy is available from the school office and can also be viewed on the school website.

What should I do if I am worried about a child?

If whilst working with a child you become concerned about:-

  • Comments made by a child
  • Marks or bruising on a child
  • Changes in the child’s behaviour or demeanour.

Please report these concerns to a member of staff who will take the necessary action (i.e. record on CPOMS) which will alert the appropriate safeguarding lead.

What should I do if a child discloses that he/she is being harmed?


Although the likelihood of this is small it is important to know what to do in such an eventuality as children rarely lie about such matters:-

  • Listen and accept what is being said
  • Allow the child to talk freely
  • Reassure the child, but do not make promises that you might you not be able to keep.
  • Explain to the child that you have to report the matter  to the DSL or DDSL
  • Do not interrogate the child or ask leading questions
  • Stress that it was the right thing to tell
  • Do not criticize the alleged perpetrator
  • You should immediately record details of the disclosure, including wherever possible the exact words or phrases used by the child.

Forms for the recording of information of this nature are available and should be completed and returned to the Headteacher to enable the matter to be dealt with in the most appropriate way.

What should I do if the alleged abuser is a member of the school staff?

You should report such allegations to the Headteacher (DSL).

What should I do if the alleged abuser is the Headteacher?

You should report such allegations to the Local Authority Designated Officer for Safeguarding (LADO) – Mona Cook on (024) 7683 3443 who will notify the Chair of Governors.

How do I assure that my behaviour is always appropriate?

As a volunteer you may well be working closely with children, sometimes on a one to one basis.

If you are working with a child on his/her own always ensure that the door is left open or that you can be visible to others.

Do not photograph pupils, unless requested to by the class teacher (who will provide a school camera), exchange e-mails or text messages, or give out your own personal details.

Mobile phones must not be used in class and/or when children are present.

Thank you for your co-operation


