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As historians at Stoke, we deliver a history curriculum that is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Our teaching of history will help pupils gain a secure knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. The curriculum is structured in a way that allows for children to make links between current and previous learning, and is underpinned by five core principles. 


Through history at Stoke, we strive for children to:

  • Understand how events in the past have impacted today's society
  • Think critically and ask questions to further develop perspective and judgement
  • Have opportunities to widen horizons and deepen understanding both inside and outside the classroom through trips and visitors
  • Undertake historical enquiry, embracing their curiosity and providing opportunity to select and evaluate evidence, and develop their own judgements about the past
  • Communicate using historical vocabulary


Our progression of skills in history can be found here:

