Stoke Primary School Briton Road Coventry CV2 4LF | Head Teacher Tel Fax | Mr M Ascroft 024 7645 1724 024 7643 1209 |
1st December 2023 Dear Parents and Carers,
Well done Year 6! We are so proud of every single year 6 child. They were amazing performing at the Belgrade Theatre this week. All their hard work, perseverance, focus and determination paid off. They truly were outstanding!! Well done all. Thank you to the adults who worked so hard to ensure it was a successful event. Mr Morrow, Mrs R Morris, Miss Kealey, Miss Daniels, Mr Delaney and Mr Pahal. Thank you to Mr Burns who joined them to help on the night and to all staff who came to support.
Christmas Tree! Mr Ascroft and some selected children went to collect a huge Christmas tree on Wednesday. It is even bigger and better than last years! We had a magical turning on of the lights today!
Visitors We have welcomed several visitors this week who have all commented on their exceptional behaviour and wonderful experiences offered to the children. We are incredibly proud of our school community and the way in which we work, reflect and celebrate together.
Heads up for some Christmas dates to be aware of: Own clothes day Wednesday 6th and Friday 8th December Dec 18th 9am – years 1,2,3: performance to parents 2.30pm – years 4,5,6 performance to parents Dec 21st 1.30-4pm: Winter Wonderland (Christmas Fete) for ALL children and parents with a real life Nativity!!
Wishing you and your children a happy and safe weekend. Thank you for your ongoing support. Kind regards
Lucy Pater Deputy Headteacher
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