The role of the Inclusion Team is to support the children and families at Stoke. We work with families to ensure their children safe, happy and able to come to school ready to learn. The team support children and families with varying circumstances including SEND, mobility and EAL.
You can find out more information about SEND by following the link here.
You can find out more information about mobility and EAL by following the link here.
Our Inclusion Team is made up of:
Mrs Lucy Pater (Deputy Head and Inclusion Lead)
Mrs Sarah Morris (Assistant Head Teacher and SENDCo)
Miss Rebecca Fenlon (Family Team Lead)
Mrs Michele Rowland (Family Team Lead)
Mrs Michaela Burns (SEND HLTA)
In school, we are able to provide both formal and informal check-ins and support with children to ensure that they feel happy and secure. Where emerging problems arise, we act quickly to put in place pastoral care to support children in difficulty.
This may include:
The inclusion team is also here to help families with with those situations where you may not know what to do or who to speak to.
We are able to signpost families to support them with:
You can contact the team by calling 02476 451724 and choosing option 2 or by emailing
Alternatively Miss Fenlon and Mrs Rowland are available on the following numbers:
Miss Rebecca Fenlon 07782 545983
Mrs Michele Rowland 07782 502079
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