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Year 5


Systems and searching

Learners develop their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. Learners consider small-scale systems as well as large-scale systems. They explain the input, output, and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems. Learners discover how information is found on the World Wide Web, through learning how search engines work (including how they select and rank results) and what influences searching, and through comparing different search engines.


Video production

Learners will learn how to create short videos by working in pairs or groups. As they progress through this unit, they will be exposed to topic-based language and develop the skills of capturing, editing, and manipulating video. Learners are guided with step-by-step support to take their idea from conception to completion. At the conclusion of the unit, learners have the opportunity to reflect on and assess their progress in creating a video.


Programming A – Selection in physical computing

In this unit, learners will use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming through the use of the Crumble programming environment. Learners will be introduced to a microcontroller (Crumble controller) and learn how to connect and program it to control components (including output devices — LEDs and motors). Learners will be introduced to conditions as a means of controlling the flow of actions in a program.


Data and information – Flat-file databases

This unit looks at how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records. Learners will use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data. They will create graphs and charts from their data to help solve problems. They will also use a real-life database to answer a question and present their work to others.


Vector drawing

In this unit, learners start to create vector drawings. They learn how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. Learners recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. Learners layer their objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work.


Programming B – Selection in quizzes

Learners will develop their knowledge of ‘selection’ by revisiting how ‘conditions’ can be used in programming, and then learning how the ‘if… then… else...’ structure can be used to select different outcomes depending on whether a condition is ‘true’ or ‘false’. They represent this understanding in algorithms, and then by constructing programs in the Scratch programming environment. They learn how to write programs that ask questions and use selection to control the outcomes based on the answers given. They use this knowledge to design a quiz in response to a given task and implement it as a program. To conclude the unit, learners evaluate their program by identifying how it meets the requirements of the task, the ways they have improved it, and further ways it could be improved.
