Stoke Primary is a two form entry primary school situated towards the northeast of Coventry city. The school has a 26 place nursery providing 15 hours of education. The local community has a high cultural mix with children from countries across the world and speaking many different languages. 67% of children at Stoke are EAL with a wide range of languages spoken.
The revised IDSR identifies that:
Mobility is a key factor at Stoke. Annually there can level so transience as high as 20% of the school cohort.
Within this cohort children are welcomed from across the world. Many children who join Stoke start with very limited or no English. A Mobility Pathway system is used to support new children with enhanced provision to enable them to transition into school learning systems as quickly as possible.
We have built a strong connection with our community which started during Covid pandemic and has continued, which has built mutual trust and respect, enabling our school team to have strong relationships with parents and families.
The whole Stoke community is committed to giving our children a high quality education that will open the doors on an exciting future for all our children.
We are a member of the Aspire Too Network of schools. This gives us an opportunity to work collaboratively, share CPD and support inter network challenges, so that we can all ensure we deliver a high quality provision for our community within an ethos of professional challenge. We also reach out beyond Coventry to seek support, guidance and challenge to aid us in building the best school possible.
Our last Ofsted inspection was an ungraded section 8 on 13th and 14th December 2022. The school remained with its 'Good' judgement.
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