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Mobility Pathway

Stoke Primary School

Mobility Pathway



Key Principles

Stoke has a high level of in year transcience.  To support new children, this Mobility Pathway seeks to set out procedures which are followed by staff at Stoke Primary School. 

Children joining Stoke Mid-Year

Stoke is informed of new starters through Primary Admissions.  As soon as possible thereafter, parents are contacted and an admissions meeting is held.  It is Stoke’s intention to admit new starters without delay particularly when the children are not currently attending a school (eg. they are new arrivals from overseas).  An admissions meeting is held by the Mobility Lead or one of the trained team and during this meeting, core information is gathered and shared including any Safeguarding or SEND needs (See Appendix 1 for the admissions forms used).

Where there are any Safeguarding or SEND needs, contact is made with the relevant personnel at the child’s current school and further relevant information is sought.

The child is allocated to a class and to a house team and this information is shared with relevant staff so that they can prepare for the new starter. 

As soon as a child has started, where they are EAL, the school’s EAL assessment tool is completed with the child which robustly assesses the child at the point of entry.  Staff use the information gathered from the assessment and other information known to them including the pathway criteria to allocate them to a red, amber or green pathway (see Appendix 2 for the pathway criteria). 

Within the first fortnight of admission to Stoke, admissions form 3 (see Appendix 1) is completed by class staff and returned to the Mobility Lead so that any concerns can be addressed without delay.

EAL children

All EAL children who are on the red, amber or green pathway will have support offered to them as per Appendix 3.

All new to English children (red pathway children) receive at least 15 one hour sessions of Stoke’s new to English learning programme which aims to provide a foundation to speaking, listening to and understanding the English language.  Phonics and Reading are also targeted during these one hour sessions.

Stoke’s pathway tracker is updated half termly through re-assessment using the school’s EAL assessment tool and/or formative assessment.  All children who are on the red pathway will have an Red Pathway plan on Edukey which sets out SMART targets for Reading, Writing, spoken English and a social target to ensure that needs are met and that the relevant provision is in place to move the children towards accessing the full curriculum as quickly as possible.

Children transferring from Stoke Mid-Year

Stoke is informed of transfer requests through Primary Admissions.  Once a confirmed destination is known, contact is made with the new school for any children for whom there are Safeguarding concerns or SEND needs.  As soon as possible, following confirmation that the child has started in the new school, all relevant files are transferred.

Appendix 1

Form 1 is to be completed by admin during the initial contact when arranging the admissions meeting.

Form 2 is to be completed during the admissions meeting by the Mobility Lead or other trained staff.

Form 3 is to be completed by the class teacher within a fortnight of the child starting at Stoke.


All forms must be shared with the Mobility Lead to allow for information to be shared with all the relevant staff and updated as each stage takes place.

Appendix 2

Pathway Criteria

A red pathway child may…

An amber pathway child may…

A green pathway child may…

  • struggle to access the assessment at all or may score very little in all areas;
  • remain completely silent in the classroom;
  • use home language for learning;
  • attempt to copy some words / phrases in the classroom;
  • be beginning to respond verbally in interaction with others;
  • attempt to engage in highly scaffolded listening activities, learning basic classroom language and linking sounds to actions and meanings.
  • engage with the assessment with relative success and confidence;
  • show growing confidence when interacting socially with children / adults;
  • show increasing confidence when following instructions;
  • have developed some skills when reading and writing in English;
  • be becoming familiar with some topic based vocabulary;
  • be able to express themselves in English but with some structural inaccuracies.
  • be able to participate in usual formative  and summative assessment activities as opposed to the EAL assessment;
  • engage successfully with activities across the curriculum;
  • participate as an active speaker and listener in tasks in different contexts;
  • understand most social and academic interactions delivered at normal speed;
  • read and understand a wide variety of age appropriate texts;
  • show growing complexity when writing.


Appendix 3

Pathway Support

Red pathway

Amber pathway

Green pathway

A)  New to English

B)  Early Acquisition

C)  Developing Competence

D)  Competent

E)  Fluent

Learning Village access

Learning Village access

Pre-teaching – vocabulary and new concepts (possibly using Learning Village)

1:1 or small group intervention (dependent on need across school) – intensive teaching programme (15 sessions):  speaking, listening & understanding, phonics and reading

Pre teaching – vocabulary and new concepts

Buddy system – social interaction support

Pre teaching – vocabulary and new concepts

2 week check in with Mobility Lead (with child / teacher)

2 week check in with Mobility Lead (with child / teacher)

2 week check in with Mobility Lead (with child / teacher)

Access to bespoke differentiated resources as needed (eg. made using Learning Village, EAL Hub, Racing to English)


Access to bespoke differentiated resources as needed (eg. made using Learning Village, EAL Hub, Racing to English)

Range of pictoral / vocabulary prompt cards – Widgit (master copy available)


Range of pictoral / vocabulary prompt cards – in Widgit (master copy available)

Buddy system – social interaction support


Buddy system – social interaction support


Access to an MLA in school (where possible) for at least 6 weeks


Red Pathway Plan (Edukey) – targets set for Reading, Writing, Social interaction and Spoken English (reviewed half termly for duration a child is on red pathway)


