As part of our topic 'Mans best friend' the amazing Teaching Talons came to school. They brought with them some exciting animals. We saw a tortoise, guinea pigs, rats, an African snail and Chip the dog. We were able to stroke them, feed them and watch Chip do some funny tricks. We have learned a lot from Teaching Talons and we really enjoyed them coming to visit.
Today the children had some exciting visitors in Woodpecker class. The Nursery chicks came to our class for a play. We had to make sure we were really quite and calm so we would not scare them. We all had a turn holding them, they were so soft and were very chatty. They kept saying 'chirp chirp'.
We also have our own class pets for the week. Meet our new snails ' Alice, Ahmed and Isla'. We have enjoyed watching them slime around their house and eat lots of flowers.
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