Stoke Primary School Briton Road Coventry CV2 4LF | Head Teacher Tel Fax | Mr M Ascroft 024 7645 1724 024 7643 1209 |
26th January 2024 Dear Parents and Carers,
What a week!
Year 1 have had some great adventures this week, exploring bikes, scooters, go-kart, cars and the minibus. It seems we may have a few budding engineers!!
Year 6 enjoyed a day at the Justice Centre in Nottingham. Mr Morrow looked amazing all dressed up!!
We have had another visit from Dotty, the therapy dog, the children are loving her!!
We have also had the ‘egg’citing experience of seeing our chicks hatch this week in Nursery!! Children are enjoying their visits to watch this during their lunch times.
The Eco council helped plant trees at the front of school this week; thank you to Mrs Taylor for organising delivery of the trees! Not only will the trees look great, we know how good trees are for the environment.
We continue to celebrate our STOKE values helping children recognize when they have been ‘solution focused, truthful, optimistic, kind and empathetic’. Well done to all who received certificates in assembly.
Reminders Please ensure children have coats (gloves and hats if required) during the colder weather so they enjoy their outside break times.
We have Previously used uniform on offer: 3pm on Thursdays in the school office; come and have a rummage! Please do talk to your children about their learning and check out the gallery on our website to see what we have been up to!
Please drive and park safely to protect our children and others when arriving at and leaving school.
Please also know our door is always open should you wish to discuss anything or would like help in any way. We are good listeners and can suggest how to access financial, emotional, mental health and wellbeing or SEND support.
Thank you for your ongoing support. It is great to work in partnership with you. Have a happy and safe weekend.
Kind regards
Lucy Pater Deputy Headteacher
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