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24-10-04 Newsletter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





4th October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


The Macmillian cake sale held last week raised £550. Thank you for donating and buying cakes. The money has been sent off to this very worthy charity.


Next Thursday is World Mental Health day. In school, we are encouraging children and staff to dress in clothes that make them feel happy. We are NOT asking for donations, we just ask you share a smile or kind word with one another.


We will be explaining to the children that we need to take care of our minds in the same way we do the health of our bodies, teeth, skin and eyes. These are some of the ways we can look after our mental health, by:

  • Being active (walking, being in the outdoors, swimming, biking)
  • Noticing what is around us / being mindful.
  • Giving (time, words, love, care)
  • Trying something new (hobbies, food, friendships)
  • Being grateful (for small things that make us happy)


Many of our staff have been trained as Mental Health first aiders, please do come and talk to any of the Senior Leaders or Family team if there is anything we can help you or your children with. Sometimes, sharing is the first step to feeling better. We will have tea and coffee and cake available on Thursday 10th Oct at 2.30pm. Feel free to pop in.


Year 4 have been to Oxford today finding out about ancient Egypt to enhance their learning. We look forward to hearing all about it.


The children continue to challenge themselves (our learning quality focus for this half term) and demonstrate their STOKE values (being solution focused, truthful, optimistic, kind and empathetic). We love celebrating those who have particular shone in these areas during assembly.


As we go into the weekend, please chat to your children about what they have done this week. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards


Lucy Pater

Deputy Headteacher

