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24-09-13 Newsletter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209




13th September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back!


It has been wonderful to see the smiles and hear the tales from children and staff who ventured to Dol’Y’Moch.

They had an amazing time experiencing new activities, developing their personal qualities and bonding with peers. Thank you to all the staff who enabled this trip to happen.


Thank you, Parents and Carers, for sending your children ‘dressed as a teacher’ today, they have been very excited about surprising Mr Ascroft all week. He certainly was surprised, especially when all the staff came dressed as children. Samuel and Magdeleine did great jobs at leading assembly this morning pretending to be Mr Ascroft and Mrs Pater. We have celebrated the brilliance of so many children as they have certainly shone bright this week.


Year 5 are looking forward to their trip to the space centre next week where their learning will really come to life. Year 2 have enjoyed exploring and creating in Forest School. Across the whole school, there is a continued love of learning and thirst to develop skills and knowledge. Children have wowed us with their ability to challenge themselves, persevere and focus this week.


10 children were chosen by our Dinning Room Assistants to sit on the new VIP table at lunchtime for showing super manners. They enjoyed some sweet treats and flavoured water and felt very important indeed! I wonder who will be chosen next week!!


As we go into the weekend, please chat to your children about what they have done this week and if you ever have any questions, do pop in to see us so we can support you.


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Kind regards


Lucy Pater

Deputy Headteacher



