Stoke Primary School Briton Road Coventry CV2 4LF | Head Teacher Tel Fax | Mr M Ascroft 024 7645 1724 024 7643 1209 |
13th June 2024 Dear Parents and Carers, We are very proud of the effort our Year 1 children demonstrated when completing their phonics checks. We are equally proud of our Year 4 children for completing their multiplication checks. Well done children and adults!
Another short week but one packed with learning opportunities and children progressing with their individual targets. We have loved hearing children articulate the times they have shown empathy this week as they received certificates in assembly today.
Thank you for your donations for our playground project, please keep them coming! As always, we strive to enable the very best opportunities for our children whether this is during classroom time or at playtimes.
Please continue to support your children’s learning at home by hearing them read and letting them talk about their school day. Children really benefit from having talk time to share their thoughts, ideas and learning.
A reminder that we have a staff training day tomorrow June 14th so children will not be in school. See you on Monday 17th June.
We are here to answer any questions and support in any way we can.
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable week with your children.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
Lucy Pater Deputy Headteacher
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