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15-11-24 Newsletter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





                                                                                                                                   15th November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have marked Children in Need today by thinking about heros that have inspired us. It has been good to see a mixure of Princess heros, spider man, super man, space men and other known super heros as well as real life super heros such as nurses, teachers and Mrs Morris’ Dad! Thank you to all who donated to this worthy cause.


We have had a house afternoon today where Year 5 have inspired the school to ‘save our planet’. The children took part in a whole school environment clear up competing for who could collect the most rubbish!


A big well done to our 100% attendance heros this week and thank you to the Attendance Avengers for the big ‘spin the wheel’ reveal.



This week our ‘Brilliant Band’ slot in our Wednesday assesmbly, came from ‘The Stoke King’, Samuel, a very brave solo artist!


Please keep an eye on the Gallery on the website for pictures of class activities and our Instagram page for updates.


A reminder of Parent consultations next week. These are 10 minute slots in order to ensure we see everyone. Thank you for keeping to your times and we hope you enjoy hearing about how your child is getting on and what they need to do to be even more amazing!


Thank you for using the correct gates in the morning drop off. Main gate for Years 1-6 and side gate to enter and exit for Nursery and Reception.


Thank you for your continued support, please let us know if there is anything you need help with.


Have a good and safe weekend.


Kind regards,


Lucy Pater

