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24-10-11 Newsletter

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209





                                                                                                                                11th October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


We hope you have had a good week. The children enjoyed wearing their own clothes (that make them feel happy) yesterday for Mental health day and took part in useful conversations in their classes. Year 3 spoke beautifully in assembly about how they support each other.


Year 3 also taught several members of staff how to make a stone age axe following the instructions they had written. I can vouch for the fact this was a great activity where the children saw the importance of clear instructions.


Reception have been trying to catch stars and aliens! They have used their imaginations and been incredibly creative in their approaches.


Year 5 have been inspired to paint by the artist Robert McCall; the children continue to work on these paintings - Mrs Warsame has high hopes that they will be masterpieces! Watch this space!!


The children continue to challenge themselves (our learning quality focus for this half term) and demonstrate their STOKE values (being solution focused, truthful, optimistic, kind and empathetic). We love celebrating those who have particularly shone in these areas during assembly.


As the weather gets colder, please ensure children have their coats in school so they can be warm at play and lunchtimes.


Please also ensure children are in school on time.


As we go into the weekend, please chat to your children about what they have done this week. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Kind regards


Lucy Pater

Deputy Headteacher

