We are really pleased with the first week back the way the children have returned to learning.
We have however had some positive Covid cases in our school community affecting children and staff.
We all have a responsibility to be aware of our health and wellbeing. If your child has any cough, temperature or aches symptoms we strongly encourage you to do an LFT test with them. Omicron is also showing a wide range of other symptoms. If at any point your child says they feel unwell, please also do an LFT test with them.
For the parents of our younger children in nursery and reception please remember your children are less able to tell you how they are feeling. Please watch them carefully and if you have any concerns please complete an LFT test with them.
Please use covidreporting@stoke.coventry.sch.uk to report an specific Covid related issues you are facing.
As parents please do your bit to help us as a school. Please make sure you wear a mask at drop off and collection.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours Sincerely
Mathew Ascroft
Head Teacher
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