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Head Teacher Update

It has been another busy few weeks at Stoke.  Thank you to everyone who turned up for our Macmillan Coffee afternoon, we hope the chance to see your children’s classrooms and work was helpful and informative.  Since then we have had so much going on. 


Year 3 have visited the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham as part of a project to help re plant our school grounds with new bulbs, shrubs and trees.  Year 4 have visited both the motor Museum and the Herbert Art Gallery to explore how museums work and then transfer this knowledge into creating their own Egypt Museum.


Last week we had a dress up day as we raised money for the Hope Foundation School in Malawi.  This day was started by the work and request of our Year 2 children.  Their hard work and letters enabled us to raise over £500.  Thank you to you all for your support.


This week the children have been exploring kindness as part our Anti Bullying week.   We started by celebrating Anti Bullying Day and wearing odd socks.  Across school we have had PSHE lessons exploring bullying and kindness.  The week has culminated in the school choir singing in assembly today.  They shared a version of Titanium with an anti-bullying message.  The confidence, energy and passion from all members of the choir was amazing.


Our Year 6 children have had a swimming intensive.  Swimming every day for 2 weeks has enabled their confidence to grow and for many they have taken their first strokes unaided.  Well done to each and every Year 6 child.


In amongst all this we have continued with our after-school clubs.  The children are thoroughly enjoying the range on offer from sports; including gymnastics, dance, football and netball, to papercraft and chocolate.  Staff are also enjoying these opportunities to explore different skills and crafts with your children.


Next week we will share with you the key dates in the run up to Christmas so you know what is going on in school.  


We are continuing to have issues with car driving at drop off and collection.  Please make sure you respect all our children and their families.  Do not stop in the middle of the road and let your children out. Please park safely and then walk to the gate.  Even better walk from home as the fresh air helps start the day.  We have a bike rack and an area for scooters, so if your child chooses to come by either of these then we can show them where to leave it.


Thank you for your ongoing support.  If you have any questions please contact the school office.
