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21-11-08 - Year 2 - Phonics Screening

Stoke Primary School

Briton Road



Head Teacher





Mr M Ascroft

024 7645 1724

024 7643 1209






8th November 2021

Dear Parents / Careers,


This half term, we will be assessing your child’s phonic knowledge, using the national phonics screening test. This would have been administered during the Summer term in Year 1, but with lockdowns, the government announced that the children will take it during the Autumn term.


The children will be asked to read a selection of real and nonsense words – making sure that they sound out the words carefully and them blend them together. The children are very used to reading these real and ‘alien’ words when in school.


For example, they will be shown the word splirt. The children will say S-P-L-IR-T and then blend the word together and say ‘splirt’. Below is a short video, explaining the test.


Parenteach National Phonics Screening Test Year 1|Phonics Screening Practise Year one Year 2 2017 - YouTube


We are sending home a selection of real and nonsense words for you to practice with your children. These are not the actual words, but it will help immensely, if you can practice sounding out and blending the words. We are also sending home the phase 3 and phase 5 sound mat to support your children at home.


If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to speak to us on the gate.

Thank you for your support.


Mrs Morris and Mr Morrow




