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Upper Key Stage 2 PE

All children in upper KS2 have 120 minutes of PE time allocated in their weekly timetable and of this each child will engage in 80 minutes of fast paced physical development per week. After developing a better skill level and game understanding in Lower KS2 the children are now learning to compete in more competitions and leagues. At Stoke Primary School we believe sport is pivotal for developing children for what awaits them in secondary school and in life by gaining a lot of transferable skills. Winning with humility, losing with dignity, teamwork, respect, social skills, overcoming challenges, strategy, leadership and then you include the improvement of skill and sport understanding. We aim for all children by the end of primary school to not only be aware of multiple sports but also have a good level of knowledge. We would hope all children have enjoyed participating in PE as Stoke and have identified a sport or activity that they connect with and have the confidence in themselves to continue participating when they move into secondary school and beyond.


Our Upper KS2 PE Overview:

Autumn 1 - Invasion Games and Fitness

Autumn 2 - Multi-Skills and Gymnastics

Spring 1 - Striking and Fielding, Net and Wall Games and Dance

Spring 2 - Orienteering, Net and Wall Games and Dance

Summer 1 - Invasion Games, Tri-Golf and Orienteering

Summer 2 - Athletics, Tri-Gold and Striking and Fielding

Physical Education
