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2023-24 Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and wellbeing Policy



Policy last reviewed:  July 2023 

Reviewed by:  by Lucy Pater

Agreed by governors: 

Shared with staff:  September 2023

Frequency of review:  Annually

Date of next review:  September 2024


Head Teacher:  Matthew Ascroft

Deputy Head Teacher (Mental health Lead): Lucy Pater

Family Team: Rebecca Fenlon and Michele Rowland

Play therapist: Steve Pahal



Chair of Governors:  Joe Rabone





Policy statement 


At Stoke Primary School we are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to all students, their families, members of staff and governors. Our open culture allows child and adult voices to be heard, and through the use of effective policies and procedures we ensure a safe and supportive environment for all affected - both directly and indirectly - by mental health issues.


This policy is a guide to all staff – including non-teaching and governors – outlining our approach to promoting mental health and emotional wellbeing.


It should be read in conjunction with other relevant school policies.


Policy Aims


  • Promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in all staff and students.
  • Increase understanding and awareness of common mental health issues.
  • Enable staff to identify and respond to early warning signs of mental ill health in students and adults.
  • Enable staff to understand how and when to access support when working with young people with mental health issues.
  • Provide the right support to students with mental health issues and know where to signpost them and their parents/carers for specific support.
  • Develop resilience amongst students and raise awareness of resilience building techniques.
  • Raise awareness amongst staff that adults may have mental health issues, and how they are supported in relation to looking after their wellbeing; instilling a culture of staff and student welfare where everyone is aware of signs and symptoms with effective signposting underpinned by behaviour and welfare around school.


Key staff members


This policy aims to ensure all staff take responsibility to promote the mental health of students and adults:

  • 10 members of staff have had Youth Mental Health First Aid training
  • 5 members of staff have had full Adult and Youth Mental Health training.


  • Family team: Rebecca Fenlon

                           Michele Rowland

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mat Ascroft

Rebecca Fenlon

Michelle Rowland

Lucy Pater



  • SENCO: Lucy Pater and Sarah Morris
  • Senior Mental Health First Aid lead: Lucy Pater
  • PSHE Coordinator: Paula Maguire
  • Play therapist: Steve Pahal



If a member of staff is concerned about the mental health or wellbeing of a student or adult in school, they should speak to:


Matthew Ascroft (HT), Lucy Pater (DHT), Rebecca Fenlon or Michele Rowland.

If there is a concern that the student or adult is high risk or in danger of immediate harm, the school’s child protection procedures should be followed.

If the child presents a medical emergency, relevant procedures should be followed, including involving the emergency services if necessary.


Individual Care Plans


When a pupil has been identified as having cause for concern, has received a diagnosis of a mental health issue, or is receiving support either through CAMHS or another organisation, it is recommended that an Individual Care Plan should be drawn up. The development of the plan should involve the pupil, parents, and relevant professionals.


Suggested elements of this plan include:

  • Details of the pupil’s situation/condition/diagnosis
  • Special requirements or strategies, and necessary precautions
  • Medication and any side effects
  • Who to contact in an emergency
  • The role the school and specific staff


Teaching about mental health

The skills, knowledge and understanding our students need to keep themselves - and others - physically and mentally healthy and safe are included as part of our PSHEe curriculum.


We will follow the guidance issued by the PSHE Association to prepare us to teach about mental health and emotional health safely and sensitively.

https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/curriculum-and-resources/resources/guidance-preparing-teach-about-mental-health-and emotional wellbeing Incorporating this into our curriculum at all stages is a good opportunity to promote students’ wellbeing through the development of healthy coping strategies and an understanding of children’s own emotions as well as those of other people.


Additionally, we will use such lessons as a vehicle for providing students who do develop difficulties with strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe, as well as supporting students to support any of their friends who are facing challenges



We will ensure that staff, children and parents/carers are aware of the support and services available to them, and how they can access these services.

Within the school (noticeboards, staff room, toilets etc.) and through our communication channels (newsletters, websites), we will share and display relevant information about local and national support services and events.

The aim of this is to ensure children and adults understand:


  • What help is available
  • Who it is aimed at
  • How to access it
  • Why they should access it
  • What is likely to happen next




Support at school and in the local community

Support available

Who is it suitable for

How is it accessed






PSHE programme,

Emotion coaching and attachment awareness training means that children’s mental health and wellbeing are regularly planned for, monitored and reviewed

All children

Through universal provision


Friendship support / emotion regulation tuition

Small group LSA led support for children struggling to maintain positive friendships, regulate emotions or who appear sad/ lonely during lunch times.

Support during lunchtimes in ‘The Den’

Referral by class teacher

Discussions at pupil progress meetings


Play therapy intervention

Children demonstrating low mood, anxiety, worry, sleep or friendship issues

(whole class intervention / group or 1:1)

Discussion of need between class teacher / SENDco / parent and play therapist.

Referral made by class teacher for individual support




SEMHL support

Children displaying difficulty regulating or expressing emotions who require intervention beyond that offered through wave one teaching

Discussion between class teacher / SENDco/ parent. Referral made for observation / assessment, intervention or advice




Children who have experienced trauma in their lives – Domestic Abuse (DA), loss.

Children who are identified as being low in mood on a regular basis

Through discussion with class teacher / SENCO/ safeguarding leads


Planning meetings with Educational Psychologist 

Any child who is coping with trauma, gender identity issues, loss, bereavement are discussed and sign posted where necessary

Through discussion with class teacher / SENCO/ safeguarding leads



Local Support

In Coventry, there are a range of organisations and groups offering support, including the CAMHS partnership, a group of providers specialising in children and young

people’s mental health wellbeing. These partners deliver accessible support to children, young people and their families, whilst working with professionals to reduce the range of mental health issues through prevention, intervention, training and participation.


Warning Signs

Staff may become aware of warning signs which indicate a student is experiencing mental health or emotional wellbeing issues. These warning signs should always be taken seriously and staff observing any of these warning signs should alert Lucy Pater / or a named person below.


Possible warning signs, which all staff should be aware of include:


  • Physical signs of harm that are repeated or appear non-accidental
  • Changes in eating / sleeping habits
  • Increased isolation from friends or family, becoming socially withdrawn
  • Changes in activity and mood
  • Lowering of academic achievement
  • Talking or joking about self-harm or suicide
  • Abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Expressing feelings of failure, uselessness or loss of hope
  • Changes in clothing – e.g. long sleeves in warm weather
  • Secretive behaviour
  • Skipping PE or getting changed secretively
  • Lateness to, or absence from school
  • Repeated physical pain or nausea with no evident cause

Managing disclosures

If a student chooses to disclose concerns about themselves, or a friend, to any member of staff, the response will be calm, supportive and non-judgemental.

All disclosures should be recorded confidentially on the Child Protection Online Monitoring system (CPOMS) ensuring the following information is gathered:

  • Date
  • Name of child
  • Staff name
  • Nature of disclosure and main points from conversation
  • Agreed actions


This information will be shared with the Mental Health lead and safeguarding team. 



It may be necessary to pass on concerns to outside agencies. If this is the case, the pupil/ adult will be told.



Parents will be informed of mental health disclosures however pupils may also choose to tell their parents themselves. Each case will be treated on an individual basis.

Stoke Primary school Safeguarding Policy is always adhered to.

Whole school approach

Working with parents/carers

We are mindful that hearing about a child’s mental health struggles can be upsetting and distressing for parents and carers. Conversations should therefore be face to face where possible.

Signposting parents to other sources of information and support can be helpful. Lines of communication should be kept open.

A summary of the meeting will be recorded on CPOMS.


Supporting parents

We recognise the family plays a key role in influencing children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing; we will work in partnership with parents and carers to promote emotional health and wellbeing by:

  • Ensuring all parents are aware of and have access to promoting social and emotional wellbeing and preventing mental health problems.
  • Highlighting sources of information and support about common mental health issues through our communication channels (website, newsletters etc.).
  • Offering support to help parents or carers develop their parenting skills. This may involve providing information or offering small, group-based programmes run by community nurses (such as school nurses and health visitors) or other appropriately trained health or education practitioners.
  • Ensuring parents, carers and other family members living in disadvantaged circumstances are given the support they need to participate fully in activities to promote social and emotional wellbeing.



As a minimum, all staff will receive regular training about recognising and responding to mental health issues as part of their regular child protection training to enable them to keep pupils safe. The senior leadership team have all had full mental health training.


Matthew Ascroft – DSL / Head Teacher

Lucy Pater – DDSL / Deputy Head Teacher / Inclusion and Mental Health Lead

Sarah Morris – Assistant Head Teacher - SENDCo

Ellen Parker – Assistant Head Teacher - Curriculum

Rhiann McGarrity – School Business Manager

Nic Burns – Leader of Writing

Callum Morrow- Leader of Maths

Rebecca Fenlon – DDSL Family Team


A further 9 members of staff have had training in youth mental health first aid.


Policy Review


The next review date is September 2024.

In between reviews, the policy will be updated when necessary to reflect local and national changes. This is the responsibility of Lucy Pater.


Any personnel changes will be implemented immediately.
